A few weeks ago I posted a popular article describing a theory I’ll summarize with a few quotes:...
Month: August 2021
August 29, 2021
A few days ago someone posted: “Though it can technically be counted under a ‘conspiracy theory’, the...
According to Steven’s video yesterday, we need to worry more about intentional, manipulated problems made to look...
MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future Through “Looking Glass” Technology

2 min read
The content of the video below is many years old, but it is just as relevant now...
August 26, 2021
Since the 1940s there has been discussion over the various flash points that could start WWIII. At...
Many people have speculated on the eight kings described in Revelation 17:10-11, and have concluded that the...
I’ve been saying for years that the accelerating movement of the Magnetic North Pole from Canada to...
There is a great deal of geological, astronomical, and mythological evidence that our sun has a long-cycle...
In July, President Biden said American forces would be out of Afghanistan by September. He was asked:...
Of all the problems people do prepare for – even among preppers and survivalists – a POLE...