On February 11, 2024 I saw the photo “Polar Bear Napping” by Nima Sarikhani, the amateur photographer who just won the People’s Choice award. It struck a chord with me as a particularly beautiful image. My first thought was just to show it to my kids; the polar bear is adorable and the blue tinged ice is striking. Then I was struck by the irony and the similarity to mankind’s blissful ignorance of impending problems.
The setting looks peaceful and serene, and the bear looks soft and cuddly. In reality being adrift on an ice pack in the Arctic Ocean would be terrifying, even more so should a hungry polar bear find you.

I think it’s fair to say I dwell on the subject of pole shifts a little more than the average person does. I think the evidence is clear that catastrophic pole shifts devastate and reorganize the surface of the Earth roughly every 12,000 years, and based on many things from Plato’s timing of the destruction of Atlantis to the rapid movement of our magnetic poles in recent years, I expect the next civilization-ending catastrophe to occur in the first half of the 21st century. (One of the few others I know about promoting similar ideas is Ben Davidson, and if he were telling this story he would warn that a solar micronova will set one side of the world on fire at the same time.) I’m sure to some it seems crazy to worry about being killed by a solar outburst or pole shift tsunami, but it has happened before, as this Mayan carving depicts with a temple collapsing into the sea in the upper left, a volcanic eruption, a woman drowning, and a survivor fleeing by boat….
and it will happen again – probably in my lifetime. I have warned about the possibility in several books, and in great detail in Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced. It often feels like I have convinced the few who would listen, and that no one else will consider the facts. Even among those who take it seriously, there is often a tendency towards inaction and hopeless resignation. Few will take action, prepare, or relocate to avoid being washed away. Some suggest this is God’s way of separating the wheat from the chaff. But I feel like a watchman in the night, and that I have a duty to help make sure less people end up burned within their homes or frozen in the next polar zone or carried out to sea because they didn’t even know such things happen.
Governments and elites around the world know, but they don’t want the riff-raff interfering with their preparations. So they won’t be making an announcement. They’ll spend trillions on black budget projects for tunnels, bunkers, and spacecraft for a party we’re not invited to, and they won’t even warn the rest of us to give us a fighting chance. They don’t want the uninvited to survive and be their competition in the aftermath.

Some of what Plato said about Atlantis matches the description of a destroyed island homeland of the gods, carved into stone at the Edfu Temple shown above. Plato wrote in his Timaeus that the Egyptian high priests told Solon: “There have been and there will be many and divers destructions of mankind, of which the greatest are by fire and water, and lesser ones by countless other means. For in truth the story that is told in your country as well as ours, how once upon a time Phaethon, son of Helios, yoked his father’s chariot, and, because he was unable to drive it along the course taken by his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth and himself perished by a thunderbolt,—that story, as it is told, has the fashion of a legend, but the truth of it lies in the occurrence of a shifting of the bodies in the heavens which move round the earth, and a destruction of the things on the earth by fierce fire, which recurs at long intervals. At such times all they that dwell on the mountains and in high and dry places suffer destruction more than those who dwell near to rivers or the sea; and in our case the Nile, our Saviour in other ways, saves us also at such times from this calamity by rising high. And when, on the other hand, the Gods purge the earth with a flood of waters, all the herdsmen and shepherds that are in the mountains are saved, but those in the cities of your land are swept into the sea.”
I just want to be able to look at Egypt or Athens or South America or a compass or a napping polar bear and not automatically have my thoughts drift to pole shifts. But I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole for that.

TPTB have made an announcement (9/11).
They are inviting h sapiens (the sufficiently perspicacious) to the underworld.
They have indicated when cataclysm is due (90 secs to midnight = 2048).
If you start talking to random people, you will find around 1% have taken the red pill.
The masses are not invited. If you try and reach the masses, you will be disinvited, e.g. Rik Mayall (One by One).