October 23, 2024

5 thoughts on ““If Something Happens During the Eclipse, The Government Did It”

  1. They are afraid that Nibiru could be more visible during eclipse. It will be disaster if there won’t be total darkness!

      1. Nibiru has different names: Planet X, Black Sun…

        Anyway, Nasa will claim “it is our rockets!”

      2. If you knew what Planet X, Black Sun, Nibiru, Nemesis, etc. identified in the cosmos, then you’d know that it is naked eye visible (depending upon your latitude), and that it is indeed involved in the causation of cyclic cataclysm.

        Nibiru comes from ‘planet of the crossing’, which can be understood (once you know what ‘planet‘ & ‘crossing‘ mean).

        Anyway, suffice it to say that eclipses are nothing to worry about – except in the sense that they still worry a lot of people.

        Moreover, there is no planet/brown dwarf about to barrel through the solar system.

        That said, cataclysm is currently estimated to arrive in 2048, but even so, I still wouldn’t worry about it.

  2. Hi David-Hi Zod-Hi Julian. I have been away for a time on a mission. You my friends are about to experience the “supernatural” in the coming months that will utterly change your lives. In May/June of this year, you will witness the rise of Obama after a short but terrifying disaster. Nukes/earthquakes/ pandemic/cosmic, or all of the above, I do not have the knowledge yet as to what is about to occur. The Covid19 injection “MARK” starting in Dec. 2020 will reach it’s 3 1/2 year life of conquering and reconquering using the Pharmakia, warned of in Revelation. The next destination–the final 3 1/2 year period known as the Great Tribulation. By summer/fall-worldwide-all will be required to have the Covid19 injection “MARK” and a Digital ID in order to access your bank account-retirement savings-social security, your job or business ect. Whoever takes both the Injection and the Digital ID will be forever owned by the Beast System and will burn. America/Babylon will be X’ed out in a few days and will not repent as Ninevah did. The LGBTQ White House has taken it’s mask off and it only goes downhill faster than ever as Obama orchestrates the destruction. Warp Speed was a lie to get the MARK into everyone’s arm so the ones that did not take it will be easier to control and inject when the sht goes down. The Covid19 injection was created by DARPA years ago during the Obama Regime to have his MARK ready for Dec. 2020. Using AI-Quantum computing to design an operating system inside the human body and injecting their patented “Hydrogel” consisting of graphene /oxide nano particles that self assemble in the human body. The Messenger RNA , using Crisper technology , completes the change in the human body to become trans-human. It is the Abomination of Desolation. Graphene/Oxide nano-particles are injected by the billions in every injection and has a molecular structure of 6 electrons-6 protons-6 neutrons-666-the number that God’s angel told John the Revelator to write down. The opportunies communicating will no longer exist in a few months and all disscussion of what I am relaying to you will be terminated. You don’t have much time left until Mark Twain’s “Mysterious Stranger No.44” takes the stage for the final 3 1/2 years . My advice is to get your spiritual life in order by accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and redeemer and repent . It’s your only hope. Yes David-you will get your pole shift-but not yet. We will all have far more to worry about soon. You have a short time left to prepare!  A Watcher

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