Rand Flem-Ath, author of When the Sky Fell, and co-author of Atlantis Beneath the Ice and The Atlantis Blueprint – suggested that at least some parts of Antarctica may have had a temperate climate and may have been inhabited prior to the last pole shift catastrophe around 13,000 years ago. This wasn’t merely based on the idea that Antarctica is shown on the Piri Reis map of 1513, not only three centuries before it was discovered, but with pre-glacial details. [The Orontius Finaeus map of 1531 is even better, more clearly depicting Antarctica’s shape, though copied from a more ancient map and re-drawn at the wrong scale, mistaking the circle for 80 degrees south latitude as the Antarctic Circle….]
The godfather of pole shift theory – Charles Hapgood, author of Earth’s Shifting Crust, Path of the Pole, and Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings – said North America was covered by an ice cap until almost 12,000 years ago because prior to the last pole shift catastrophe, the North Pole was in Hudson Bay. the Americas, and Antarctica were about 30 degrees farther north.

Flem-Ath said that shortly before he died, Hapgood claimed to have new evidence of an advanced civilization going back tens of thousands of years in South America and Antarctica – but he didn’t live to publish anything new. He was killed by a hit and run driver. Definitely not his CIA employers.
In my opinion Hapgood gave some pole shift disinformation early in his writing career. I think he was paid to discredit the topic with ideas that were contradictory and easily disproven, to discourage more research by others. But I think he was right in those final statements – I think Atlantis was in South America with its capital at Tiahuanacu. Western Antarctica was much farther north before the pole shift and could have had a climate like Britain does today. But what do I know? I just research and write all the time. Government controlled media usually suggests conclusions very different than mine.
To find out where Antarctica was prior to the last pole shift (and will be after the next one), simply rotate a globe map of The Earth 30° along the 30° meridian such that the GP is back on the equator, and Vostok is the other side of the pole, i.e. still polar.
This is because The Earth’s magnetic field is weakest on the 30° meridian (for some reason), hence the North magnetic pole being deflected toward it. This thus indicates the direction of the turning torque, that is eventually strong enough to cause topsy turvy*.
* The feast of Topsy Turvy commemorates this (aka Epiphany).