March 12, 2025

6 thoughts on “Solar Nova and Pole Shift in Myth

  1. David, you appear to be saying that because The Earth’s lunisolar wobble (26k cycle caused by The Moon) makes The Earth’s winter solstice Sun rise in a certain part of the sky (band of constellations called the Zodiac), that just so happens to coincide with The Sun undergoing a micronova.

    Don’t you think it is a very large coincidence that such a major solar upheaval coincides with the wobble of one of its smaller planets?

    And after all these years I’ve been trying to enlighten you as to what really happens? 🙂

    1. I’m not claiming that precession is largely caused by the lunisolar wobble, though I suspect the combination of factors that cause precession more locally may also be entrained/locked to the timing of a powerful external cause. I know you suggest the Sirius star system as a distant binary, and although not gravitationally linked to our sun, it could be dancing in a circle with us in an entangled Birkeland current filament. In my mind a lot depends on whether or not ancient secret societies and their modern versions/enlightened and powerful descendants are lying about the details of our relationship to Sirius or not. For example if there is a known link to that star and the timing of our dance is linked to a catastrophe cycle which they don’t want everyone to know about….

      1. I’ve evidently egregiously failed to inform you of my position, if you think I support the completely ridiculous Birkeland current theory, that a star 8.6LY from our Sun can still somehow be linked in some quasi-orbital way.

        You are far closer to the correct situation in your last two sentences.

        So, codswallop:

        1) The Lunisolar explanation of precession.

        2) The idea of micronova, and that this is what The Sun undergoes twice a great year.

        3) ‘Birkeland Currents’ as an explanation for Sirius not precessing.

        1. So since our sun is not going to be in a gravitational relationship with a star 8.6 LY away, if we rule out the most plausible electromagnetic explanation I’m aware of, then I’m left with one of the following two possibilities – either no stellar link to Sirius or no 8.6 LY distance. Please tell me you have a clear answer whether it’s one I’ve mentioned or not.

      2. With an eccentricity of 0.5 our Sun’s dual* has an orbital separation of 3kAU at apoastron (recent), and 1kAU at periastron (in ~12ka).

        So, yes, the latter you mention.

        You will find this tallies with the distance inferred for the ‘unknown’ gravitationally influential body termed ‘Planet X’.

        * For which I have counted over 30 names/terms of reference.

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