The important takeaway points from what Randall Carlson is quoting from Plato is that there is a cycle of great natural disasters that periodically wreck the world with fire and water. The sun seems to move around the sky erratically and the world burns.
Plato, and the Egyptian priests he quotes, retell a myth – which they point out is not just myth, about the sun-god’s chariot being borrowed by his mortal son – who can’t control it. Plato, and the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, describe the story of Phaethon as a preface to the story of the destruction of Atlantis.
Ben Davidson would re-frame this narrative of destruction by fire and water as a story about a solar micronova and a pole shift. Not everyone is convinced there is a solar outburst burning half the world; some blame comets and other cosmic causes. But there is no doubt about catastrophic pole shifts; the evidence of huge tsunamis, climate change (from latitude change) and mass extinctions is too extensive.
Another theory links a cyclic cataclysm with the precession of the Equinoxes. The “Code of Hathor” book links a cataclysm with the half-cycle of the precession, using Electric Universe ideas of plasma and a flip in magnetic polarity every 12,000 years.
This link also says the precession of the Equinoxes ended on 12/21/2021- or at least the PTB “celebrated” the end of the cycle on that date.
Looking at the 3k sawtooth diagram, while civilisations may rise and fall during the 12k cycle, that is nothing to do with the 12k sawtooth life cycle of The Earth.
Incidentally, if you take two 12k sawteeth and wrap them around each other in a circle you get the Yin Yang symbol, i.e. two 12k cycles per 24k Great Year (or Platonic year).
It is interesting to note that the diagram correctly indicates that there is a ‘Change of direction of world’s rotation’ coincident with the cycle start/end. However, this is from the perspective of an Earthling, given North & South poles have exchanged places. From an external viewer’s perspective, the Earth’s rotation (and axis) remains unaffected.
That exchange of poles, with gentle acceleration and brutally abrupt deceleration, is of course that which gives rise to pole shift (crustal displacement) and globally pervasive mega-tsunami or oceanic slop (among other things).