March 30, 2025

Magazine Articles About Pole Shifts

In February 2015, Fate Magazine ran my first magazine article:

The History and Truth About Pole Shifts on Earth


It begins:

What are they, why do they happen, and should we expect one again soon?

by David Montaigne

Look up “pole shift” online and you will find many opinions ranging from “they are rare magnetic events” to “civilization will be destroyed soon and the evidence is being suppressed!”

I wrote several additional articles in early 2018 to help promote my newest book.

Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

Ancient Origins was eager to use this article:

Chaos and Cover-ups: What Evidence Exists of an Ancient Pole Shift?


Nexus Magazine‘s June/July 2018 edition contained my article



Fate Magazine has also accepted another article of mine published in issue 733 in December 2018 – “Pole Shift: Merely Magnetic, or Crustal and Catastrophic?”

Fate Magazine December 2018

Someday they will eventually update their online articles to include that issue at

Also consider my first end times prophecy book, portraying the next POLE SHIFT as the fulfillment of many prophecies including end times Bible prophecy – End Times and 2019

Even Nostradamus predicts a pole shift at the end of WWIII in the early 21st century, although his clues leave the timing open until at least 2028 or 2029

And as of 2018, I have finally devoted an entire book to the topic:

POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

Pole Shift Front Page Book Cover


8 thoughts on “Magazine Articles About Pole Shifts

  1. No one would notice if this merely took the form of continental drift over millions of years. Interesting observation from someone who probably believes the earth is only 6,000-8,000 years old. Or are you one of those individuals who selectively interprets fictional works such as the bible.

    1. I assume the PLANET is about 4.5 billion years old, but I assume the current surface conditions are the result of a pole shift no more than about 12,500 years ago, and that these conditions are what ancient civilizations referred to when they said “the world” or “this world” or “the present world.”

      I do not assume everything in the Bible should be taken literally, but I do assume it should be valued and taken seriously and that when something in it seems preposterous, we should wonder if there is another way to interpret it that might make sense. You can’t put a huge book through multiple translations and expect everything in it to come out crystal clear thousands of years later. There are going to be things people once understood, that no longer can be. For example if someone today says they have spent their whole life in the Big Apple, we know what they mean. 3,000 years from now, someone might say “I ignore that giant book, it says silly things like people spent their lives inside a giant apple.”

    1. Nope – I actually had an an engineering scholarship, and other science awards and scholarships at Penn State – which I didn’t make good use of, switching majors to history and gravitating to things I was more interested in.

    2. That is a vicious reply! Those who have no argument or contribution resort to insult. So, I guess that puts you sqquarely in the insult category.

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