For several decades it has been obvious to me that human civilization was more advanced over 12,000 years ago than it was at the dawn of the 20th century. Despite more and more evidence accumulating in recent decades, “expert” historians, archeologists, geologists, Egyptologists (etc) put far greater effort into denying the evidence and explaining it away than in re-evaluating their narratives.
For just one example: the Sabu disc, said to be just 5,000 years old, was also said to be a vase or incense burner. That’s a lot of work to carve such a highly complex shape from a piece of stone just to burn incense on it. And in the middle where the theoretical incense would burn if it were flat, we see a hole than seems designed to hold an axle.

It looks a lot more like an agitator or impeller designed to rotate and move fluid, possibly for a water pump. Some suggest it has an even more impressive purpose:
I don’t want to get lost diving too deep on just the Sabu disc – but I did want to make the point it seems like a mechanical part, not just a ceremonial ashtray.
That disc is just one of the countless finds that would normally draw a lot of professional attention and help lead to a re-assessment of humanity’s ancient past. Flood “myths” and stories of Plato’s Atlantis or Egypt’s Zep Tepi (“First Time”) should not be ignored. Western civilization could finally wake up and acknowledge there is something to the claims from Mexico to India that history goes through a cycle of world ages, destruction and rebirth, and start to ask why, and what we can do about it. If only the academics we trusted to evaluate the evidence were free to do so.
I get it. If you want tenure and grant money your conclusions have to match the wish list of the National Science Foundation – and the government HAS TO hide the truth of the catastrophes in our past because they are cyclic and due to devastate civilization again soon. If the masses knew the truth – at best they would stop working and interfere with survival plans they are not a part of long before the last day – at worst there would be absolute chaos, or large scale warfare by major nations that want to reposition their people for the upcoming new world.
Major governments know the next pole shift catastrophe is due in the first half of the 21st century. Their duty is to save a remnant, not the whole population of eight billion. To save the few, the many must be kept ignorant – lied to – so that they keep working and providing until the last day. Those who will survive can only do so because governments can tax a portion of everyone’s productivity and divert it to the very necessary and noble goal of ensuring that all the knowledge humans have gained is not lost. That the next rebirth of civilization has one foot on the launch pad of 21st century technology, not both feet in the stone age. So when you see evidence from the ancient past and wonder how the professionals can possible ignore it – they have to ignore it to mislead the public, if they want to save enough to give the next world a good head start.
But the odds are that you and I will never get a “golden ticket” to be rescued by the elite. For us, for our families, to have a chance of surviving past the 2040s and beyond… we need to understand what will happen and develop a plan. The U.S. government has known enough to be convinced since at least the 1940s. Are you convinced? (If not you better educate yourself soon.) Will you do anything about it?

Indeed, this is the great mission: to preserve the species homo sapiens sapiens and its technological advancement. To thereby escape Samsara.
To preserve our technological advancement requires a manufacturing and power generation infrastructure that is operating now, and can continue operating during the pole shift and thereafter.
As for the species, there won’t be a ticketing system.
The extant population will have been winnowed down to tens or hundreds of millions (the capacity of underground cities), such that if you are still alive just before the cataclysm (ETA 2048), you’ll be ‘brought into the barn’.
I imagine they will be more selective and the event will still have billions of casualties – interesting alternative theory that the main winnowing will come prior to the pole shift