In August, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) declassified historical documents about Nazi Germany’s plans for a catastrophic atomic strike against the Soviet Union in June 1945. Verifying the second most interesting conclusion in “Oppenheimer and Heisenberg” – that Germany did succeed in making the first atomic bombs, but in 1944, without air superiority they were unable to deploy them to New York or Moscow and instead used them for special negotiations.
https://www.intellinews.com/nazi-germany-planned-to-nuke-soviet-union-declassified-archives-say-337448/ – https://www.eurasiantimes.com/tg-nazi-germany-aimed-to-destroy/ – https://noticiaslatam.lat/20240807/desclasifican-archivos-sobre-los-planes-de-hitler-de-usar-armas-nucleares-contra-la-urss-en-1945-1156680308.html