War in Ukraine. Wars in the Middle East. Rumors of coming wars like a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and even civil war in the United States. Looming economic collapse hinted at by the Japanese-led stock market crash August 2-5. The largest computer outage ever after problems from Crowdstrike destroyed 8.5 million computers a few weeks ago, and rumors of a much bigger blackout planned soon for “Cyber Polygon.” Riots around the world, even in Britain. It’s not a coincidence. It’s planned, and it’s going to get much worse soon. The elite want more power. They will change the money and the laws to get it. But in good times the changes would never be accepted. They first have to create so much fear that people beg for them to step in with a solution, no matter how it changes once free societies. Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” will be very appropriate soon.
Months ago, “U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Wednesday that the world has entered an “age of chaos” that is causing a multitude of suffering and thwarting progress – and must be reversed. ‘There is so much anger and hate and noise in our world today,’ the secretary-general told member states as he laid out his priorities for 2024. ‘Every day and at every turn, it seems – it’s war.’” (Besheer, Margaret. “UN Chief: ‘Age of Chaos’ Engulfing the World Must End.” 2/7/24 – https://www.voanews.com/a/un-chief-age-of-chaos-engulfing-the-world-must-end/7478047.html)
“Our computer model warns that we are headed into tremendous civil unrest because those behind the curtain are NOT about to let Trump thwart their agenda of World War III…. On top of this, the Civil War Cycle turns up in a few weeks – 2024.679 (September 4/5th)…. This 2024 election, I have warned that NOBODY will accept it regardless of who wins. The Neocon Deep State has NO INTENTION of allowing Trump to dismantle their power. I have warned that the military will most likely eventually split and take sides” (Armstrong, Martin. “Will The US Go Into Civil War 2025-2026? Will 2024 Be the Last Election? What Does AI say?” 8/5/24 – https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/will-the-us-go-into-civil-war-2025-2026/)
“Our computer has been forecasting a major rise in civil unrest on a global scale. We are witnessing this from Nigeria to Europe and even in Britain. It will migrate to the United States, and we should be prepared for NOBODY to accept this election REGARDLESS of who wins. The mainstream press will only fuel this anger as they continue to call anyone who opposes the WOKE agenda ‘far right,’ for we have lost anything that was once just the middle of the road.” (Armstrong, Martin. “The Riots in the UK – Coming to the USA Soon.” 8/8/24 – https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/britain/the-riots-in-the-uk-coming-to-the-usa-soon/)
Remember, this isn’t just politics as usual shifted towards a liberal/woke/socialist extreme. This isn’t coincidence, naiveté, or ignorance. It isn’t just in Britain or Europe or the United States it’s the unofficial leadership of the whole world in collusion to bring on massive changes soon. This is global, intentional, planned, and coming soon on a much more intense scale. Don’t be surprised if the internet and the electric grid go out for weeks. Don’t be surprised if China invades Taiwan while everything is down. The elite want many regional wars to escalate and combine into WWIII, specifically with China in Taiwan, Russia in Eastern Europe, and Islamic armies eventually in Southern Europe. Do give some thought to why this is happening, and why it’s happening in 2024.