The United States has never been at war with China like Japan was during WWII (and a few other times, including the first Sino-Japanese War.) Ever since WWII, when the United States helped China against Japan – China’s hatred of foreigners has been dominated by their desire for revenge against Japan, as they had brutally occupied eastern China.
In my recent book Dragon’s Prey: Will China Invade Taiwan in 2024? I quoted Martin Jacques: “The Nanjing Massacre [Rape of Nanking] defines the nature and identity of the Japanese as far as the Chinese are concerned…. it remains an open wound… as if it had happened yesterday…. The Chinese may not particularly like the Americans but they generally respect them, in contrast…. they hate the Japanese.” (Jacques, Martin. When China Rules the World. NY: Penguin, 2009, pp. 307 and 310)
But in more recent years, America’s support of Taiwan’s semi-independence has China’s leadership frothing mad, and they seem intent on turning the rest of the Chinese people to be anti-American. They have started the training at a very young age and drill it in repeatedly at school:

Multiple polls show the propaganda has been successful:

Watch at least some of the video above – and I highly recommend watching the entire video below to understand what Chinese children are being taught and trained for in China’s schools – to hate and eventually fight America:
China’s leaders wouldn’t have to turn the dial up to 11 on anti-American hate just to turn their people away from democracy and get them to appreciate communist party leadership. I can’t think of any reason they would do this other than to prepare their people for a war against America over Taiwan.
Don’t be surprised if the internet and the electric grid go out for weeks soon. Don’t be surprised if China invades Taiwan while everything is down. The elite want many regional wars to escalate and combine into WWIII, specifically with China in Taiwan, Russia in Eastern Europe, and Islamic armies eventually in Southern Europe. Do give some thought to why this is happening, and why it’s happening in 2024.
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