February 22, 2025

7 thoughts on “July 20, 1969 – Man Landed on the Moon, Right?

  1. Arguing the Moon landings is futile. The credulous majority ‘know’ they happened. The sufficiently perspicacious few know that they didn’t.

  2. Zod, or any Zodites

    Any reflections on whether were on a constantly expanding ball of peat moss with a raging fire burning its belly…or a built in 6 days static, undeviating, passive hockey ball ….. ?

    1. I’ll hazard the guess that the planet is billions of years old but the current version of the surface – the Earth – to our ancient writers – was re-created in a week by a pole shift

      1. Immediately after cataclysmic oceanic slop (mega-tsunami), the map of the surface per the land/water boundary will be unrecognisable. However, a few thousand years later, one should make out a degree of correspondance between the continents & oceans before & after.

        This wil be helped in the knowledge that the next crustal displacement will move Giza 30° back to the equator (preserving the GP’s axial alignment).

      2. perspective of the viewers of the time & place.

        Curious how a unknown group of humanoids, who came from the Sea ( or across it, “perception” ) explained the cosmos and its workings to a indigenous people, weaving grass for shelter not agriculture.

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