There’s nothing new about the acceleration of the movement of the Earth’s magnetic poles – or the constant denial that it’s significant or meaningful (despite one of the worst mass extinctions of all time “coincidentally” happening at the same time as the last event.) At least this video is new:
In late April this one minute video with Jimmy Corsetti from Bright Insight talks a little about the acceleration of the magnetic poles and mentions some of the evidence of a fast pole shift long ago – found in lava rock. As lava flows the outside edges cool down fastest. Lava in a thick pool near the volcano with constant flow will take many days longer to solidify than the shallow edges at the furthest reach of the flow. There are multiple sites including Steens Mountain where as the lava flowed, different parts hardened at slightly different times and magnetic ions in the rock show the direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time of solidification. Surprisingly (to most people) analysis shows huge changes in magnetic orientation over just a few days – at rates of up to six degrees per day. This means the volcano was erupting during (and was probably triggered by) a pole shift.
Imagine the poles moving at less than 0.002 degrees per day for a long time as they are now, up through Saturday. Sunday they suddenly move over ten times faster, 0.02 degrees per day. Monday they move ten times faster still, 0.2 degrees. If they move 2 degrees on Tuesday it will start to get very noticable. Eventually the acceleration slows, perhaps 5 degrees more on Wednesday, 6 degrees Thursday, 5 degrees Friday, 2 degrees Saturday, back to 0.2, 0.02 and 0.002 and eventually even less. The huge majority of the pole shift – 20 degrees of movement – would have happened in just five days. (Survivors might even tell stories of how the new world was created in under a week.)

From another part of the world (Mexico) this “bas-relief frieze discovered by Maler in Yucatan, which suggests to a remarkable degree the Atlantean cataclysm. The above photograph describes a pyramid and temple collapsing, a volcano in eruption and the land sinking. The figure in the water suggests destruction of life by drowning. Many escaped as symbolized by the figure in the boat.” ( Volcanic eruption, flooding, destruction of the original ancient homeland, escaping and relocating – all common themes that hint at survivors of a pole shift.
There is a lot of evidence that it is not just the magnetic poles, but the entire crust of the Earth realigning over the core, that takes place during a pole shift. Where I live in southern Pennsylvania (roughly 40 degrees North Latitude – currently) could end up in the tropics – or the Arctic – or below sea level…. Charles Hapgood felt most pole shifts are approximately 30 degree shifts, like the last one that brought the North Pole from Hudson Bay, at the center of North America’s ice cap up until about 12,900 years ago – to its present location. The Americas moved 30 degrees south and that ice cap melted. Other researchers think 90 or 180 degree shifts are more common. I think the idea is fascinating and explains many scientific mysteries like why ice ages happen (they don’t, various regions are just location near a pole at certain times) why Siberia had lush vegetation and herds of huge animals then they all died suddenly and froze (Asia moved 30 degrees north) and why so many creation stories describe having to flee an original homeland when one “age” or “sun” or “world” ended and a new one began – often with terrible floods and depopulation. Click here to read more if you also find this fascinating.
I thought Hapgood was into the 90° shift of ‘polar ice caps to equator’?
I support the 30° crustal shift (upon 180° flip), as indicated by the Great Pyramid, and the 30° oscillation of Vostok either side of the pole.
Here’s a link to the salient aspects of Hapgood’s theorising:
So, up to 40° of crustal slippage, albeit over a rather long period of thousands of years (rather than the 20-30 hours I posit).
Earth is currently experiencing:
* “Experts said they found the direction of the poles moved from southward to eastward in the mid-1990s and that the speed of the drift between 1995 to 2020 was upwards of 17 times faster than it was in the years between 1981 and 1995.”
At a certain point (~2048), the torque exerted by the external magnetic field will be enough to trigger a positive feedback loop, such that the poles gyrate in an exchange of places, abruptly stopping upon completion of their magnetic realignment.