Ben Davidson makes another good video reviewing his reasons for suggesting that most of the world is screwed when the next catastrophic pole shift moves the entire crust of the planet all at once. North America suffered greatly in the past, especially with the Pleistocene Extinction and the previous North Pole location in Hudson Bay putting areas like my home state of Pennsylvania under a mile thick ice cap. But this time North America will be better off than most continents, and the higher mountainous regions will climates that are bearable both at their current and future latitudes should have survivors.
There will be devastating tsunamis on every coastline, and flood waters will come inland farther than most people can imagine. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will been worse than nay recorded in recent millennia. The new North and South Pole positions are predicted to end up in the Bay of Bengal east of India, and in the Pacific just west of southern Peru. The farther you are from lose locations the warmer your future climate will generally be. Much of Canada and Alaska will end up in the tropics.

But the Earth is not alone in this event; the sun will also have an explosive outburst which some call a micronova. If predictions based on past events are correct, the initial brief blast of extra light, heat, and radiation will bake eastern Asia and Australia. Hours later Europe and Africa will suffer billions of tiny impacts from particles of cosmic “dust shell” material pushed into the Earth. Most impactors will be tiny, in the range from grains of sand to tiny chunks of gravel – but these will cause countless fires and there will be thousands to millions of slightly larger meteorites as well.
If all this is correct, and you live in North America and are willing to prepare for a pole shift by relocating to a much higher elevation, you can greatly increase your odds of survival. Watch Ben’s videos including the one below. And it wouldn’t hurt to read (or listen to) some of the more informative pole shift books.
All quite plausible – except the rapid 90° crustal displacement, which physically cannot happen.
What actually happens, is that in the space of a day or so, the Earth’s poles slowly accelerate their exchange of places (which they can do without affecting the planet’s rotational axis, momentum, or externally apparent spin direction), accelerate, and then abruptly halt – and among other things, that abrupt halt causes mega-tsunami, and 30° crustal displacement, such that Vostok swings round the other side of the axis (remaining polar, frozen).
Oops. Another thing that shouldn’t be included in the ‘plausible’ category is the preposterous ‘micronova’ invention.
The Sun will remain perfectly normal throughout The Earth’s reorientation.
That’s not to say that with considerable consequent disruption to The Earth’s magnetosphere, there won’t be many funky things befalling the surface that a stable magnetosphere otherwise prevents.