I haven’t talked about vak scenes in a while. Isn’t it funny how many articles treat the V word like the N word? We dare not even mention it directly or it gets flagged and shadow-banned because anything other than repeating how great they are is treated like enemy propaganda. Many suspect there is a secret agenda to depopulate the planet, but why? Is it merely because the elite consider billions of “extra” people “useless eaters” wasting resources unsustainably? Or is there some other event coming, like a pole shift or alien disclosure – and those in power want fear-based compliance – or just less unhappy people to rule over?
Regardless of the motives which I don’t claim to know, I was talking to a few guys from various related departments and agencies who said they had to get the first shot to keep their jobs, but since then they’ve seen info they can’t disclose to public and they said “if anyone knew what they know they would never, ever, ever consider getting another shot again.”
This made me decide to look for interesting and recent headlines about the vak scene and lo and behold, there is no longer a total moratorium on negative commentary on this topic. (Some photos are older but the articles are about a week old. They’ve already lasted longer than some booster recipients.)

Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths Compared to 61k Unvaccinated Deaths
“In July 2022, thirty percent of the population of England remained completely unvaccinated. 34% of the population of England were not double vaccinated, and 50% of the population were not triple vaccinated.
However, as is shown in the following chart, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023, while the unvaccinated population accounted for just 5%.
But it’s the fact that these deaths aren’t among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly horrifying. The vast majority are among the 4x vaccinated, with this population accounting for 80% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83% of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated….
What’s extremely concerning about these official figures is that the vaccinated surpass the unvaccinated by far in terms of death in every single age group since July 2021, despite the fact that 30% of the population have not even had a COVID-19 injection.
So much so, that there were 965,609 deaths among the vaccinated compared to just 60,903 deaths among the unvaccinated between July 2021 and May 2023. This means there was a grand total of 1,026,512 deaths in England during this period and the vaccinated accounted for 94% of them, whereas the unvaccinated accounted for just 6% of them.
This more suggests that the Covid-19 injections are deadly, and prove that they are killing people. And we can be certain that COVID-19 Vaccination greatly increases mortality.”

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Peer-Reviewed Study
“With considerably lower efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause more deaths than save lives, according to a new study whose researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from childhood immunization schedule….
Moreover, based on “conservative assumptions, the estimated harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines greatly outweigh the rewards: for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.”
….The authors also recommended an “immediate removal” of the COVID-19 vaccines from the childhood immunization schedule.”
CDC Labeled Accurate Articles As Misinformation, Documents Show
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added the misinformation labels to articles from The Epoch Times in widely-circulated internal messages, according to copies obtained by The Epoch Times.
One of the articles reported on a peer-reviewed paper that found heart inflammation, or myocarditis, was more common after COVID-19 vaccination than after COVID-19 infection.
Nordic researchers reviewed electronic health records and counted 109 cases of myocarditis following COVID-19 infection compared to 530 after vaccination. Their study was published by the British Medical Journal.
An internal CDC email said that the study “has been picked up by anti-vax proponents as evidence that vax was more likely to cause myocarditis than COVID-19 infection,” and provided a hyperlink to The Epoch Times article.
The Feb. 7, 2023, email listed the article under “points of confusion/potential rumors/misinformation.”
The CDC did not list any data or other information supporting its label.
“The Epoch Times article should not be labeled as misinformation,” Dr. Tracy Hoeg, a physician-scientist at the University of California-San Francisco, told The Epoch Times via email.
Dr. Hoeg said the Nordic study aligned with earlier research, including a paper published by JAMA Cardiology that found myocarditis rates were higher among some populations after vaccination compared to after infection.
Another CDC email claimed a story reporting on how the U.S. government was receiving royalty payments from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was inaccurate or misleading.
The Epoch Times article reported on how Moderna officials disclosed in an earnings call that the company entered a patent agreement with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), sent a payment of $400 million, and would be paying additional royalties in the future.
“Anti-vax proponents question Moderna’s new patent agreement with NIAID, citing catch up payments and royalties as a ‘conflict of interest,” the CDC email, dated March 1, 2023, stated.”

Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies
“The 2023 book Misbelief by Dan Ariely belongs to a genre I would label “debunking Covid conspiracy theories.” The book is meant to explore the thought process of people who subscribe to conspiracy theories, especially about Covid and the Covid vaccines.
Thus I was surprised to encounter in the book two stories in which the author uncovered real conspiracies to hide information about Covid from the public….
The first genuine conspiracy he describes involved the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manipulating data in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
The second involved a newspaper editor-in-chief refusing to report about vaccine side effects observed by a hospital. The author reports these situations matter-of-factly, and even gives the conspirators the benefit of the doubt, saying maybe they did the right thing!
….I was speaking with a doctor from a large health care organization…I couldn’t resist asking her what she thought about all the online chatter about unreported vaccine side effects. To my surprise, she agreed there was a problem. She said that she had observed a lot of side effects in her clinic that had not been reported and had been collecting such data from her patients…. Ariely at that point decided this was newsworthy. He met with the editor-in-chief of “a large newspaper,” told the editor about the situation, and suggested the editor get the doctor’s data and report about it. The reaction: The editor told me he suspected that I was correct about the underreported side effects. However, he had no intention of publishing anything about them.”
I hope to see comments about where you think this situation is headed in the future.
I’ve followed the vax issue closely since 2020- in fact, it’s how I became a conspiracy theorist.
We’re being flooded with conflicting narratives (mRNA/spike protein/lipid nanoparticles, magnetic arms, Graphene Oxide, BT-MAC addresses, self-assembling nanotech, 5G-triggered kill switches, white fibrous clots etc.) in order to discombobulate us.
My guess is the majority of the shots are meant to quietly reduce fertility and some shots kill suddenly/cause obvious adverse effects in order to distract us from that agenda. But I could be wrong.
Here’s a fascinating reddit thread from 2016 in which the son of an elite predicted a major event in 2020. He claims the Elite have built massive “underground towns” with centuries of stockpiled supplies- in preparation for an even bigger event after 2020.
There are two objectives:
1) Prevent the extinction of h sapiens during the next ELE.
2) Preserve mankind’s technological advancement across the Great Reset such that the world can be Built Back Better.
The inhabitants of The Earth are members of h sapiens, but to preserve the species you only need a functioning population thereof (suitably diverse).
To preserve the most sapient of h sapiens you invite the least sapient to opt out of such preservation*, having tipped off the most sapient that something wicked this way comes (9/11 aka apocalypse).
No doubt there will be further selection processes, e.g. based on health, tenacity, ingenuity, etc.
This selection process, or Great Winnowing, is biblically referred to in terms of sorting the wheat from the chaff (bringing the wheat into the barn). Matthew 3:12.
Bear in mind that without husbandry of h sapiens, the cataclysm would result in >99.9% mortality (possibly even extinction). That is the ‘eugenic sanction’ in operation.
* with likelihood of opportunistic experimentation upon the condemned.
I can’t argue with that – it seems logical and likely