February 23, 2025

As the author of POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced, I am clearly biased (by mountains of evidence) in favor of anyone reporting on the very ancient foundations of human civilization which pre-date the last cataclysmic destruction of a very advanced human civilization (some call it Atlantis) around 12,000 years ago. When the entire surface of the planet quickly changes position over its core, with lands rising and falling, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the momentum of the oceans sloshing thousands of cubic miles of seawater out of their oceanic basins – this briefly submerges most lands and washes away most evidence that nations of that time ever existed.

While I don’t agree with everything Graham Hancock says, I have enjoyed reading his fascinating books since the 1990s. Message of the Sphinx and Fingerprints of the Gods are particular favorites. In mid-November, Joe Rogan hosted Graham Hancock and Randal Carlson for a three hour interview which I found well worth watching. But on November 21, Netflix started broadcasting Hancock’s new documentary series: Ancient Apocalypse. And the mainstream archeologists and mainstream media, presumably urged on by the governments that I suspect don’t want to world to know about the cycle of periodic pole shift catastrophes that end civilization every 12-13,000 years – have gone bat-shit crazy denouncing Hancock and attacking his conclusions.

As Matt Walsh said on November 29 in his recent video (Why Does The Left Consider This Documentary So Dangerous?) “A show about ancient archeology is now the biggest hit on Netflix…. If you question the narrative from mainstream archeologists… you begin to think critically and skeptically about a whole host of other topics as well. This is dangerous… to the people in charge of formulating and disseminating the official narrative…. He’s pointing out holes in the official story – he’s encouraging skepticism.”

This article at Cymru starts off stating that Hancock’s ideas are discredited (in reality, they aren’t – except by mainstream types paid by government to back the official narrative) and concludes that by discussing the myths of natives from North and South America who tell us bearded white wise men from across the sea taught their ancestors the basics of civilization – Hancock must be racist for ever discussing or writing about this, as if denying that non-whites could form a civilization without white help.

Oh, so when you want to discredit someone who can’t be discredited on the basis of facts, just claim they’re racist – even if you have to stoop so low as to suggest, as they did in an article on Wales Online, that despite not mentioning race or white people at all, that his racism is conspicuous by the absence of being mentioned.

Even Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine had to defend Hancock from this level of nonsense in similar commentary:

But the evidence often supports his claims. For example he was often denounced by Egyptologists for saying that the Sphinx might be 12,000 years old, because it has water erosion from massive rainfall which hasn’t happened for 10-12,000 years. Egyptologists defending mainstream dating against this geological evidence said it can’t be that old because there is no evidence of ANY civilization that old. Then Goblekli Tepe was excavated in Turkey, and clearly dated to 11,600 years ago. Egyptian experts, Zahi Hawass in particular, still acted like lunatics ignoring these facts and defending the mainstream narrative. Apparently, some well financed governments and elites don’t want the world to know these things.

To me Hoopes and Hawass seem more likely to be paid stooges and shills than believers in mainstream lies… But if you care to read more of Hoopes’ opinions on Hancock as pseudo-archeology/conspiracy nonsense check his comments on Twitter.

When I did that I saw that Dr. Hoopes refers to MANY links to Jason Colavito, who loves to critique Hancock’s books. Colavito bashes Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods in “Dusting for Fingerprints” – but even in that review, he comments:

“he says Tiwanaku is 17,000 years old. He based this number on surveys of the site taken by Prof. Arthur Posnansky in the 1940s. Posnansky based his date on an assumption that Tiwanaku was a solar observatory accurately aligned to the sun. Using an arbitrary point, he determined the sun was 18 degrees off perfect alignment, so therefore the site was laid out when sun and stone aligned, roughly 17,000 years ago.

On January 31, 2001, Discovering Archaeology (now Discover Archaeology) took issue with Hancock six years after he published Fingerprints and three years after the sequel, Heaven’s Mirror. Prof. Charles Orser of Illinois State University says that “the only way his assumption makes sense is if we assume the architects of Tiwanaku, working in 15,000 B.C., laid out the site with precision surveying tools comparable to those used in the late 1920s.” Orser implies that this technology did not exist, but there is a small problem.

Tiwanaku is one of only three places in the ancient world to use metal I-clamps to join cut blocks together, the others being ancient Egypt and Angkor Wat, Cambodia – both of which figure prominently in Hancock’s cosmology. Those I-clamps at Tiwanaku are made of a particular alloy of iron, copper and arsenic that requires a smelter operating at very high temperatures. A scanning electron microscope determined that the clamps were poured into place, necessitating a portable smelter. All this in an area current theory denies an iron age. While Hancock argues baselessly for intervention from outside, at the very least one must concede that Tiwanaku’s citizens had a high level of technology.

I see no reason to seek outside intervention – my own research (and Posnansky’s) suggests that Tihuanacu had a very advanced civilization in the mountains of South America – built from the stone age up by their own people. This civilization was at peak when the last pole shift catastrophe destroyed them. But just like the conclusions Hancock reaches in Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse – those in power seem like they want to keep knowledge of past pole shift catastrophes – and the next one due pretty soon – away from you by denouncing the information when its seems popular enough to make many people think.

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