I’ve been saying for years that the accelerating movement of the Magnetic North Pole from Canada to Russia is a precursor of a catastrophic, civilization-ending geophysical pole shift in which the crust of the planet slips over the core. In this month’s most recent measurement of the magnetic pole position, it moved 5.44 miles – a rate of just over 65 miles per year. At this rate, in less than 100 years, the Magnetic North Pole would move all the way to the equator. And the rate of movement is accelerating.
Gene, the scientist measuring and reporting on this movement on his Maverickstar Reloaded channel on Youtube – believes that we are fast approaching what he considers a crucial point. After 40 degrees of movement, he assumes a major change will occur that will directly lead to this magnetic excursion becoming a catastrophic pole shift. (This is similar to the conclusion of the RAND Corporation, as described in Ken White’s sought after book, World in Peril.) Could we really see TEOTWAWKI sometime in 2022 or 2023?
Hopefully the video below starts at 5:21