March 12, 2025

There is a great deal of geological, astronomical, and mythological evidence that our sun has a long-cycle of recurring novas which devastate life on Earth. Doug Vogt thinks the cycle is 12,068 years. Others claim it is closer to 13,000. The search for geological proof may have been a major incentive to get to the moon; in 1970 Thomas Gold wrote about the lunar evidence that our sun very briefly (for less than 2 minutes) got several times hotter – enough to glaze the lunar surface on one side of exposed craters where rock just started to melt and drip before the event ended. There is a great deal of supporting evidence that such a solar event is a major trigger of Earth’s catastrophic pole shift events. Most people don’t realize the sun novas at all.

Last week, a star in the constellation Ophiuchus with a fifteen year nova cycle was observed suddenly getting brighter (seven orders of magnitude in no more than a few hours.) “The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has independently detected a transient gamma-ray source positionally consistent with the newly detected optical outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph on 2021 Aug 8, 22:20 UT reported by K. Geary with an estimated visual magnitude of 5.0. Its previous outburst was in 2006, with an average recurrence time of ~15 years over eight recorded historical outbursts (Schaefer 2010, ApJS, 187, 275).”

We have only discovered a small number of stars with a recurrent nova cycle – of course, there may be many other stars like our sun, with cycles longer than humans have been making modern observations (though there are descriptions of solar nova outbursts combined with floods and pole shifts in religious texts and myths around the world, which I’ll comment on at length in a future post.) Anton discusses recurring nova, and the recent one in Ophiuchus, in the video below.

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