February 5, 2025

I found a recent article at zerohedge.com titled: “Will Erdogan’s Turkey Recreate The Ottoman Empire?” which touches briefly on some of Erdogan’s expansionist policies, exerting influence in Syria, Libya, Cyprus, and other nations previously under Ottoman rule. The article didn’t mention Turkey’s recent military support for Azerbaijan in last year’s brief war with Armenia, and of course it didn’t mention Nostradamus’ predictions detailing an upcoming invasion of Europe by a pan-Islamic alliance led by Turkey and Iran – even though the French prophet suggested that WWIII will go nuclear, and end around late 2028.

A different article, “Return of the Empire: Why Erdogan Wants to Resurrect the Ottoman State” focuses on Erdogan giving up on Turkey ever joining the EU, and his decision to convert the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul (where it was once one of Christendom’s greatest cathedrals) from a museum (which it has been for almost a century) back into an Islamic mosque. A return to Islam, and the former greatness of the Ottoman Empire, seems to be what the Turkish people want. Erdogan aims to give it to them, but just how far does the Turkish dictator plan to go in restoring Turkey’s former glory?

A few years ago, Sheikh Shaban Sherif Mady said “the Prophet Muhammad told us that Constantinople would be conquered. This was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire…just like the Vatican today, it was the capital of all the Christians in the world. It was conquered and became [Istanbul] Turkey…. The prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad came true. But some prophecies have not come true yet. Look forward to it, because the Prophet Muhammad said that Rome would be conquered! It will be conquered.”

Jerusalem fell to the armies of Islam in the first century of Islamic expansion. Constantinople took almost eight centuries longer. If we can extrapolate current demagraphic trends in Europe into the future, then much of Europe will have an Islamic majority in this century, without the need for another shot to be fired. But Nostradamus warns us that shots will be fired very soon, and that Islamic armies (with Chinese support) will invade through Greece, Italy and Spain, deep into France and Germany – well before the war ends between 7 and 8 years from now.

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