January 22, 2025

Four crucial points: First – COVID-19 was genetically engineered under the auspices of China’s Biological Weapons lab in Wuhan.  Second – the world has been lied to about the severity and spread of the virus.  Third – the insane measures taken to slow the spread of the disease threaten democracy and prosperity and are completely out of proportion to the actual danger from the virus.  Fourth – the measures taken in the name of combating this allegedly horrific pandemic were actually planned to accomplish far more sinister goals.

Before elaborating on these points, I’d like to point out this has been obvious for a long time already.  I almost posted the following in May under the title:

Germany Admits: Coronavirus Response is Over-Hyped Bullshit

“Specifically, Germany’s Ministry of the Interior concluded, among several other less important points:

I’ve been saying for months that the coronavirus plandemic is a hyped up propaganda effort done not to protect us from a horrific plague but to accomplish major social changes as the population accepts what they are told – and told to do.  It’s good to know several European government officials agree… But what can we do about it – except plan for the real event this is just one of many distractions from?”

…returning to August 2020 and new facts to consider: one article “Renowned EU Scientist: COVID-19 Was Engineered In China Lab” says: “It will not be possible for the Dr. Fauci’s of the world to dismiss Professor Giuseppe Tritto… Not only is he an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology who has had a stellar academic career, but he is also the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT)…. what he says is that the China Virus definitely wasn’t a freak of nature that happened to cross the species barrier from bat to man.  It was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 (high-containment) lab in a program supervised by the Chinese military.

….He also connects the dots linking the Wuhan lab to France and the United States, showing how both countries provided financial and scientific help to the Chinese as they began to conduct ever more dangerous bioengineering experiments.  Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result—a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic—their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the “chimera” must have come from nature.  The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it…. Dr. Tritto’s 272 pages of names, dates, places, and facts leaves such apologists with no place to hide.

….Prof. Tritto believes that, while Dr. Shi’s research began as an effort to develop a vaccine against SARS, it gradually morphed into an effort to use “reverse genetics” to build lethal biological weapons.  This was the reason that the Wuhan lab became China’s leading center for virology research in recent years, attracting major funding and support from the central government….

When asked why China has refused to provide the complete genome of the China Virus to the WHO or to other countries, Dr. Tritto explained that “providing the matrix [source] virus would have meant admitting that SARS-CoV-2 [China Virus] was created in the laboratory. In fact, the incomplete genome made available by China lacks some inserts of AIDS amino acids, which itself is a smoking gun.” 

The key question, for those of us who are living through the pandemic, concerns the development of a vaccine.  On this score, Prof. Tritto is not optimistic:

Given the many mutations of SARS-CoV-2, it is extremely unlikely that a single vaccine that blocks the virus will be found. At the moment 11 different strains have been identified: the A2a genetic line which developed in Europe and the B1 genetic line which took root in North America are more contagious than the 0 strain originating in Wuhan. I therefore believe that, at the most, a multivalent vaccine can be found effective on 4-5 strains and thus able to cover 70-75% of the world’s population.

In other words, by withholding from the world the original genetic code of the China Virus that it created, the Chinese Communist Party is ensuring that no completely effective vaccine will ever be developed by the West.

Fortunately, as bad as that sounds, COVID-19 does not spread at a particularly fast rate and although individuals who get infected with it have a serious illness with a very long recovery, the number of actual cases is far less than we were initially led to believe and the [physical] harm to the overall population is roughly the same as a bad flu season.  The economic depression it will create, and the mental anguish caused by fear, loss of income, and isolation are an entirely different matter. 


But these conditions will help allow globalism, socialism, and increasingly dictatorial governments to thrive.  (It has even been suggested that the public water supply should be drugged to make the population even more compliant with these new restrictions.)

As Clive Maund wrote some time ago in “COVID-19 – the BIGGEST HOAX IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD

“The Coronavirus / covid-19 pandemic is the biggest hoax in the history of the world. Billions of people across the globe have been duped and allowed themselves to be subjected to tyranny because of a spook.As you will learn when you follow the links below, the figures for cases and deaths caused by Covid-19 are largely fraudulent and grossly inflated – the product of distortion, exaggeration and statistical trickery, with connivance by the elite controlled media to present them as established fact….

Many people are living under the illusion that when this pandemic is contained, life will return to normal. No, it won’t. Iraq was invaded on the basis of a lie, the “weapons of mass destruction” story. After it was invaded and it became apparent to all that there were no weapons of mass destruction, was Iraq uninvaded? – no, it wasn’t – the lie had served its purpose, they were in and they weren’t leaving. Likewise, when the worst of this pandemic blows over and far fewer people are killed by it than originally estimated, life will not return to the way it was before – the extensive new powers gained by the State over its citizens will remain in force, and to maintain and augment this power the virus will be allowed to flare up again cyclically, or new ones will be introduced….

Maund’s next point is very important and is relevant to everything that goes on in the world, not just the COVID plandemic: “In order to understand the elites and their objectives you have to “put yourself in their shoes” and see the world as they see it, which I have done. They grow up living lives of incredible luxury and opulence, and are encouraged by their parents and peers to see themselves as exceptional, and they come to adulthood truly believing that they are superior beings. They regard ordinary lower and middle class people much as you might an ant or a termite, at best as something to be tolerated or used, at worst as a pest to be exterminated…. the maximum population that can be sustained without causing long-term damage to the planet is about 1.5 billion, which means that with about 8 billion on the planet now, it has an excess of 6.5 billion. Looked at using cold logic – the kind of logic that the elites employ – it means that 6.5 billion need to be disposed of. The question is how to get rid of them.”

Accept that as truth and you will be much more likely to accurately understand what will happen in the next few decades, from WWIII to the catastrophic pole shift that will follow the war.

Another recent article “We Have A Lot of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World” – German Doctors on COVID-19” explains: “More than 500 German doctors & scientists have signed on as representatives of an organization called Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss [which] stands for the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee and was established to investigate all things that pertain to the new coronavirus such as the severity of the virus, and whether or not the actions taken by governments around the world, and in this case the German government, are  justified and not causing more harm than good.”

“This group has been giving multiple conferences in Germany, in one of the most recent, Dr. Heiko Schöning, one of the organizations leaders, stated that “We have a lot of evidence that it (the new coronavirus) is a fake story all over the world.”  To put it in context, he wasn’t referring to the virus being fake, but simply that it’s no more dangerous than the seasonal flu (or just as dangerous) and that there is no justification for the measures being taken to combat it.”

“Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology and one of the most cited research scientists in German history is also part of Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee mentioned above and has also expressed the same thing, multiple times early on in the pandemic all the way up to today.  “Implementation of the current draconian measures that are so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply, no.”

And now we must ask ourselves, if the virus itself doesn’t even come close to justifying the extreme measures taken around the world – what is the real reason for all the recent changes?  Almost every government on Earth has agreed to join in.  Tens of millions of jobs have been lost, with an economic cost in the tens of trillions of dollars and no end or recovery in sight.  Prisoners are being released from jail because they might catch the virus…. and they put new people in jail for not wearing a mask.  What is really about to happen that scares leaders around the world into submission to this nonsense?  What kind of extinction level event are we facing that requires an immediate and extreme subservience to state propaganda?  I have been focused on the coming pole shift, but it could be something else.

What do YOU think the agenda really is?


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