February 3, 2025

Everyone knows the Maya had a calendar cycle that ended on December 21, 2012.

They devised a Long Count of over five thousand years which they *backdated* to begin long before Maya society existed, so that the cycle of this great length would end on the winter solstice in December 2012. The Maya also built a huge pyramid at Chichen Itza which is like an alarm clock for the 21st century, structurally marking the era in which a certain astronomical conjunction takes place with the Sun and the Pleiades together in the zenith of the sky, directly above the top of the pyramid.  They chose the site at Chichen Itza for this pyramid because only at its latitude would this alignment in the sky indicate the right moment in time in the early 21st century.


The Maya, like many ancient cultures, were very focused on world ages, world creation and destruction, and world renewal. The end of the last world age many thousands of years ago (possibly the destruction of Atlantis, during a pole shift) is depicted below with temples collapsing, volcanoes erupting, some people drowning, and survivors fleeing the original island homeland by boat.


What most modern readers don’t realize is that the end of the Long Count in 2012 is not a failed and meaningless end date.  It marked the transitional period before a much more important date.  December 2019, seven years later, may be even more important to their beliefs.  The astronomical alignments they drew in their artwork, as they did on page 74 of the Dresden Codex of the Mayan “Popul Vuh” creation story – depict a flood at the end of the world with a conjunction of the visible planets near the galactic center.


This does not occur in 2012, but it does occur seven years later in December 2019.  (The four squares with symbols in the serpent-like “cosmic caiman” near the top of that Mayan image are the symbols for the four planets in conjunction in December 2019.)

In the Mayan ballcourt game, players attempt to “help” the ball (the sun) go through the hole (the black hole at the galactic center) at the right time (the winter solstice.)  This happens once every precession cycle of almost 26,000 years.  We have been in that time frame in recent years, with the sun at the winter solstice appearing from our perspective to be covering the galactic center.  2018 was the last winter solstice when the sun, on December 21, was still partially covering the galactic equator of the Milky Way.  December 21, 2019 will be the first year when the winter solstice sun has passed the black hole, representing the completion of the ballcourt game, and our current world age ends – presumably rearranging the world with a pole shift.

Another Mayan myth describes the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, as “The Hero Twins” that help revive their father, the winter solstice sun god One Hunapu, at the end of the present world. Their birth is described as a rare conjunction of Venus and Jupiter near the galactic center with a waning crescent moon.

Hero Twins Venus Jupiter Moon

This arrangement happens to occur in November 2019 – just in time for the Hero Twins to save the day a month later on the winter solstice – 12/21/2019.  The Maya referred to this location in the sky where the galactic equator crosses the band of the ecliptic as the “holy cross” and even described the coming of the Hero Twins “like a thief’s presence.” This is very reminiscent of Christianity and the Messiah who will reign as King of the Earth coming like a thief in the night as described in Matthew chapter 24.

Before this can happen, the Hero Twins (Hunahpu and Xbalanque) must overcome the Lords of the Underworld – avoiding the tricks that led to the murder of their sun-god-father and beating them in a challenge to play the Mayan ballcourt game and get the sun-ball through the black-hole-hoop. This revives their father, the sun, and allows for a new world age.


At this point the false polar god Seven Macaw is shot off his celestial perch in the cosmic tree (the North Pole changes position) as a black paw of starry “sky-material” emerges from the tree trunk near the scorpion (the winter solstice sun, near the stinger of Scorpio, at the black hole at the galactic center – is darkened by a strange cosmic activity.)

PowerPoint Presentation

The Hero Twins are also sometimes likened to guardians of the North Pole and South Pole – who, as in Hopi prophecy – leave their stations to go on a journey.  When they/the poles go on a journey, the world is destroyed with a POLE SHIFT in which one age/sun/world ends and a new one begins.

In End Times and 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment Day I review in great detail the astronomical alignments described both in Mayan mythology and in end times Bible prophecy which all suggest that December 21-28, 2019 – this coming Hanukkah – could mark the time when prophecies say a deity from heaven is coming to claim kingship over the Earth.


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