October 23, 2024

Image above: Lightning Strike (Theros) by Adam Paquette

Immanuel Velikovsky was one of the first authors to expose the world at large to the idea that the Earth periodically suffers a cataclysmic natural disaster like a Pole Shift.  He didn’t have all the causes correct.  His theories were so unscientific that his publisher was pressured to drop his book (Worlds in Collision) two months after it was published in early 1950 – while it was still number one on the charts.  But Velikovsky did at least partially understand what has happened, and what will happen again:

“Let us assume, as a working hypothesis, that …the axis of the earth shifted or tilted. At that moment an earthquake would make the globe shudder. Air and water would continue to move through inertia; hurricanes would sweep the Earth, and the seas would rush over continents, carrying gravel and sand and marine animals, and casting them onto land. Heat would be developed, rocks would melt, volcanoes would erupt, lava would flow from fissures in the ruptured ground and cover vast areas.
Mountains would spring up from the plains and would climb and travel upon the shoulders of other mountains, causing faults and rifts. Lakes would be tilted and emptied, rivers would change their beds; large land areas and all their inhabitants would slip under the sea. Forests would burn, and the hurricanes and wild seas would wrest them from the ground on which they grew and pile them, branch and root, in heaps. Seas would turn into deserts, their waters rolling away.
…the water confined to the equatorial oceans by centrifugal force would retreat to the poles, and high tides and hurricanes would rush from pole to pole, carrying reindeer and seals to the tropics and desert lions to the Arctic, moving from the equator up to the mountain ridges of the Himalayas and down the African jungles; and crumbled rocks torn from splintering mountains would be scattered over large distances; and herds of animals would be washed from the plains of Siberia.
The shifting of the axis would change the climate in every place, leaving corals in Newfoundland and elephants in Alaska, fig trees in northern Greenland and luxuriant forests in Antarctica. In the event of a rapid shift of the axis, many species and genera of animals on land and in the sea would be destroyed, and civilizations, if any, would be reduced to ruins.”


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R8giRIyVvw&w=854&h=480]

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