March 7, 2025

I don’t remember ever seeing colder temperatures than I did a few weeks ago.  Where I live in southern Pennsylvania it rarely goes below zero like this.  Pittsburgh hit -7 degrees and Chicago reached -27.  Thousands of flights were cancelled, and 70% of Americans had temperatures below freezing.

In The Times of India, under a pic of snow covered roads there, we can read: “Ironically, the disruption in the polar vortex was caused by warm winds entering the upper atmosphere over the Arctic causing “sudden stratospheric warming” over the North Pole that sent temperatures in the region rapidly up by tens of degrees. This sent the cold normally trapped in the Arctic spilling out.”

So much for the fake news of man-made global warming.


Even economist Martin Armstrong has been saying this: “This idea that there is Global Warming for the entire planet as a whole is just nonsense. It is preventing real research into what is going on and are we in the early stages of a pole shift…. Those in geology know the cycles of the Earth. They are at odds with those claiming Global Warming is being caused by women driving the kids to soccer practice.”  In another article he says: “The danger is that this entire Global Warming nonsense is ignoring how ice ages are even created!”  And in an earlier article: “There is actually hard evidence that the poles do flip and this is a natural event NOT CAUSED by man. So sorry, handing billions to academics for bogus studies will not stop it from happening.  The Global Warming crowd have been so dead wrong with everything turning sharply colder these last few years that they changed the name of their theory to “CLIMATE CHANGE” that of course man has created. They refuse to look historically at climate change and how rapid it has taken place in the past.”

I have to wonder if colder winters have anything to do with Earth’s weakening magnetic field, and the rapid movement of the Magnetic North Pole towards Russia.

The same pattern was evident last year as well.

Strange Weather – “the strange flip-flop that has become so common recently where temperatures near the North Pole are much warmer than readings further south”


The photo above in from late April 2018 near St. Tropez in the south of France.

The photo below is from the same time but St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican (Rome, Italy)


A year ago in America: “several locations across the South experienced the coldest temperatures since 1996 on Wednesday morning, including Memphis, Tennessee (7 degrees), Jackson, Mississippi (10 degrees), Baton Rouge, Louisiana (14 degrees), Biloxi, Mississippi (17 degrees), and New Orleans (20 degrees).”  Even southern Florida had freezing temperatures.

So the cold blast of 2019 is not a one-time event.  The weather may be linked to changes in our magnetic field.  Is this the kind of thing we should expect at the beginning of a pole shift?



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