Göbekli Tepe is a mountain sanctuary in southeastern Turkey, just north of Syria. The site has been excavated by German archeologists since the 1990s and is conservatively dated to be at least 11,000 years old. Possibly much older. I suspect they co-existed with very ancient Egyptians at the time of the last POLE SHIFT almost 13,000 years ago, when something dramatic happened that made the Egyptians encode the date into the astronomical alignments of their own great monuments, referring to what they called “Zep Tepi” – “The First Time.”
One article on Gobekli Tepe says: “An ancient stone carving appears to describe a comet impact nearly 13,000 years ago according to Martin Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. The relief carving which appears on the T shaped pillar number 43 (The Vulture Stone) depicts a bird with outstretched wings, two smaller birds, a scorpion, a snake, and a circle.
By matching low-relief carving on some of the pillars at Gobekli Tepe to star asterisms, Sweatman and Tsikritsis believe they have found compelling evidence that the Vulture Stone is a date stamp for 10950BC ± 250 years, which corresponds closely to the Younger Dryas event which is estimated at 10890BC. They also propose that Gobekli Tepe was used to observe meteor showers and comets.
The Youger Dryas is a geological period approximately 11,900 years ago where the Earth saw an abrupt rise in temperature. In some locations the temperature rose by as much as 10° C. At this time much of the earth, including most of North America, was covered with glaciers as much as 2 miles thick. The sudden increase in temperature melted the glaciers leading to a much higher ocean level. It is believed that many coastal living societies at the time would have been forced to retreat inland due to the rapidly rising waters. The trigger for the event is unknown, but some believe that it may have been caused by a comet impact on the North American ice-cap.”
“…Sweatman and Tsikritsis conclude that the time stamp must point to 10,950BC. [This coincides with the time frame of the last pole shift.] Sweatman and Tsikritsis also asserts that the symbolism shown on Pillar 43 proves that the builders of Gobekli Tepe witnessed the event that caused the end of the Younger Dryas, and that they even witnessesed the impact of a comet.
Idea first proposed by Author Graham Hancock
The idea that Pillar 43 has astronomical significance is not new. The theory was first proposed by author Graham Hancock in his most recent book Magicians of the Gods. Using the the work of Paul Burley he suggests that the circle in the center of Pillar 43 represents the Sun, and that the animals in the scene represent constellations such as Scorpio and Sagittarius. Hancock and Burley also concluded that the Pillar is a time stamp pointing to the date 10,950 BC but they did not dismiss the date of 2,000AD which is coincidentally our time! Hancock suggests that the builders of Gobekli Tepe were pointing to a disaster that occurred in their time, as well as warning of an impending disaster in our time.”
The next pole shift could be due very soon. Many clues point to the early 21st century. Is Gobekli Tepe showing us another such clue?