January 22, 2025

Who would’ve thought… back when I was growing up, it was inconceivable that the godless Russian communists would become the best defenders of Christianity, while Western Europe’s traitorous “leaders” legislatively surrender to Islam as Nostradamus prophecies suggested centuries ago.

From Russia Today:

“Two recent rulings by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) demonstrate not only that it’s a political and hypocritical organization. They also show the severe structural defects of human rights law in general.

On October 25, the ECHR found in favor of Austria and against a claimant, Frau S., who had been prosecuted for saying in 2008 that the Prophet Mohammed “was a pedophile” because he had married a six-year-old girl. The applicant had claimed that the criminal sentence she received violated her right to free speech, enshrined in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court found against her and in favor of Austria, which had convicted her of inciting religious hatred.

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Austrian lecture slamming Prophet Mohammed for marrying 6yo is hate speech – EU court

On July 17, the same ECHR, by contrast, had found in favor of Russian applicants from the now famous ‘Pussy Riot’ band, and against the Russian state, which convicted them for having incited religious hatred by staging a performance of a ‘punk prayer’ in Moscow’s Christ the Savior cathedral in 2012. This case was considered under three different articles of the European Convention on Human Rights but it made two judgements under the same Article 10 which the judges later said could not protect Frau S. In the Pussy Riot case, the court found that the girls’ right to freedom of expression under Article 10 had been violated.

In other words, according to the Strasbourg court, you are allowed to insult the Christian religion but not the Muslim religion. It is difficult to think of a more obvious case of double standards than this. Worse, and as Gregor Puppinck of the European Centre of Law and Justice in Strasbourg has pointed out, it is clear that the court justified finding in favor of Austria, and against Frau S., purely out of fear of Muslims. In numerous paragraphs of the ruling, it defends Austria’s conviction of the woman in the name of the goal of protecting “religious peace.” This can mean nothing else other than that peace might be threatened by Muslims if Austrians insult the prophet of Islam.”


…In other words, the court is failing in its primordial role, which is surely to uphold the right of speech against threats of violence against them.

READ MORE: Russia appeals €37,000 European fine over Pussy Riot case


The double standards are all the more shocking because Frau S. was discussing facts. The Austrian courts ruled that the fact that Mohammed had married a small girl, and consummated that marriage when the girl was nine, did not justify her calling him a pedophile. By contrast, there are no facts at issue in the Pussy Riot case, whose action in the cathedral was purely designed to shock. In other words, the intentionality of the Pussy Riot girls cannot be in doubt, whereas it requires a speculative leap about her motives to say that Frau S. was deliberately trying to incite hatred.

The upholding of the conviction of Frau S. is also in contradiction with another ruling by the ECHR, in this case concerning Lithuania. In January of this year, the court ruled in favor of a clothing company which had used irreverent images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary to promote its sales. This too was defended in the name of freedom of speech under Article 10. So, the ECHR is prepared to protect blasphemous or offensive freedom of speech even if the goal is purely commercial and not political – but only if the offence is against Christians and not against Muslims.”

Unfortunately, the Russian view is correct – despite not being politically correct in the West.  And Nostradamus warned these early stages in which the people of Western Europe are merely sold out to Islam by their bought and paid for representatives is merely a prelude to WWIII – in which Europe will suffer greatly until 2028.


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