September 21, 2024


The Democratic party shows its true colors most clearly in the recent Kavanaugh hearings.  Facts don’t matter to them, the truth doesn’t matter to them, the law doesn’t matter to them.  And even though millions of good, rational people who until now had been voting democrat are “Walking Away” and abandoning the Democrats by the millions because the insane leftist bias they see on TV is making them sick – Democrats still “represent” almost half the population.  And they are likely to revolt – violently – if Republicans make huge gains in November and all the sealed indictments “Q” hints at are opened and Trump actually drains the swamp of corruption – because many of the most corrupt swamp creatures destined for military tribunals and jail terms for treason in this scenario are Democrats.  In my prophecy books I have been calling for the collapse of America/Mystery Babylon just before the end of the world as we know it.  It has never seemed more plausible than it does now.  Is Civil War looming dead ahead?



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