May 18, 2024

Youtube’s The Leak Project recently posted a video that made me start this post:

Repeating Radio Signals From Another Galaxy, 500,000,000 Stronger Than Sun, Disclosure?

That’s the first video below… The second video is even more impressive.

I think we are gradually being prepared for disclosure.  Last year the Pentagon released footage of a navy pilot chasing a UFO.  NASA created the new Department of Planetary Defense.  (  The Vatican has been speaking up about aliens in recent years, suggesting the exist, and may not need redemption…  Is the acknowledgement of alien radio signals coming.  Is disclosure of contact coming soon?

I commented on another site recently in response to their article:

“If major governments like America, Russia, and China are not in agreement that we are in contact with aliens and must avoid WWIII on Earth, then we will not have serious space programs. We will waste money and effort to compete for bigger shares of the Earth. If, however, governments know about aliens and have agreements (secret or open) to unify humanity, quickly or gradually – only then, without the threat of major war and competition down below, can we possibly hope to put serious effort into space.

I strongly suspect we already have such an agreement, that there are already plans to acclimate humanity to a planetary government and eventual fraternity with some kind of Federation like Star Trek has, and that some humans are already using secret technology far ahead of what the public knows about.

I also suspect that the cosmic cycles of periodic destruction are known too, by human governments and aliens, and that many changes are being delayed until the aftermath of the coming pole shift.

Of course, I could be wrong.


“Testimonies from High ranking Military Officials, Scientists working in Black Ops, Air-Craft Pilots, Astronauts, Etc. They want the Truth to be Known!”


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