February 17, 2025

Thank you Rex Bear of the Leak Project on Youtube for this reminder that Harper’s commented on the coming pole shift 60 years ago.

From the original article at Harper’s

The Coming Ice Age

A true scientific detective story

“The idea of wandering poles may seem fantastic. But recently-discovered magnetic evidence leads to the geological inference that the whole earth can shift its surface crust with respect to the interior. As the earth’s crustal zone ‘slides’ over the interior, different points on the surface can be at the North or South Pole.

“Such a shift in the earth’s crust, it is now believed, did take place… An abrupt shift in the earth’s crust carried the North Pole into the small and virtually landlocked Arctic, and the South Pole to the Antarctic continent.”

The Harper’s article also included this interesting commentary on HUMAN settlement on the shores of what we now call the Arctic Ocean, claiming there was “an ancient civilization around the Arctic.  Donn and Ewing started calling anthropologists. The evidence was uncertain, they learned, but some of it pointed strongly to well-established communities of man around the Arctic many thousands of years ago. In fact, the oldest flints showing man in America had been found recently in a band around the Arctic Circle, seldom straying south.

Anthropologists had been mystified. Even if a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska had existed then, why would man choose to use it to settle in the Arctic Circle, in the very heart of the intense polar cold, at temperature which was assumed to be even lower than today? Around that frozen Arctic Ocean, where would man have found the fish and game those flints suggested? Why would men have stayed there for centuries — unless, as Ewing and Donn now believe, the Arctic Ocean was open then, and its shores were a warm oasis compared with the glaciers to the South?  (“…Archaeologists have [also] brought back new evidence that the Sahara desert was green and fertile and thriving with civilization when glaciers froze life in America…. and [there was] coral around Iceland; subtropical plants thrived within eleven degrees of [what is now] the North Pole.”)

Ewing and Donn got another anthropologist out of bed late at night to question him further. He told them that, while anthropologists are still uncertain as to how and when man first came to America, they are pretty sure he suddenly started migrating south, in an explosive wave, about 11,000 years ago.”

Because a POLE SHIFT almost 13,000 years ago had moved the North Pole from the previous (now melted) ice cap centered on the west of Hudson Bay, to the present North Pole.  By 11,000 years ago, the old ice cap had melted, sea levels rose, what we call the Arctic Ocean was much colder (having moved to the pole) but North America was now warm and habitable (having moved south.)

Earlier in the article:

“Two serious, careful scientists — geophysicist Maurice Ewing, director of Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory, and geologist-meteorologist William Donn believe they have finally found the explanation for the giant glaciers, which four times during the past million years have advanced and retreated over the earth. If they are right, the world is now heading into another Ice Age….”


“Its coming is an inevitable consequence of the cycle which Ewing and Donn believe is now taking place.  The coming of another Ice Age is an event serious scientists have never been able to predict from observable Earth phenomena. For until Ewing and Donn postulated their new Theory of Ice Ages (it was first published in Science in June 1956 and a second report appeared in May 1958) the very nature of the problem seemed to defy the kind of scientific understanding which makes prediction possible….”

“In these cores of mud from the Caribbean, the equatorial Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico that summer, the Lamont expedition kept seeing a strange sharp line. “About a foot below the floor of the ocean the sediment suddenly changed from salmon pink to gray,” Ewing said. “You could see it sharp as a razor when the cores were opened on the ship’s deck. Others had reported this same line in the North Atlantic.

“When we put these cores to paleontological laboratory tests back at Lamont, we found out what that razor-sharp line meant: at a certain time the ocean suddenly changed from cold to warm. The pink sediment contained shells of minute warm-water animals; the gray sediment, cold-water animals.”

Back at Lamont, measurement of radiocarbon showed that this sudden warming took place throughout the length and breadth of the vast Atlantic Ocean — 11,000 years ago… “What happened 11,000 years ago to heat the ocean?” they kept asking themselves at odd moments over the next year or so. “What could change the climate of the whole ocean so abruptly?”

Of course we already know the answer.  A pole shift moved the previous ice cap away from the North Pole, which had been at the western edge of Hudson Bay – so it melted.

“The Arctic Ocean was open during the Ice Age. And that it froze over only 11,000 years ago. It was this freezing over of the Arctic Ocean which so suddenly warmed the Atlantic — and ended the Ice Age…. Everyone has assumed that the Arctic Ocean, so covered with ice today, would be even colder and more completely frozen during an Ice Age.”  But it wasn’t frozen – because it wasn’t at the North Pole until the most recent pole shift in the great cycle of ages placed it there.

What did those scientists say about the 21st century back in 1958?  That some parts of the Earth will soon be “heading into another Ice Age. Certain signs, some of them visible to the layman as well as the scientist, indicate we may have been watching an Ice Age approach for some time without realizing what we were seeing…. All the world’s seaports and some of its most densely populated areas would be submerged.”

The 1958 interview with geophysicist Maurice Ewing, director of Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory, and geologist-meteorologist William Donn doesn’t cover all the pole shift evidence we have today. They paid too much attention to some contributing factors and not enough to others.

Pole Shift Front Page Book Cover

But in today’s world of denial and coverups, it is refreshing to see that once upon a time, mainstream scientists and magazines were briefly allowed to state the obvious:

“the whole earth can shift its surface crust with respect to the interior. As the earth’s crustal zone ‘slides’ over the interior, different points on the surface can be at the North or South Pole.

“Such a shift in the earth’s crust, it is now believed, did take place… An abrupt shift in the earth’s crust carried the North Pole into the small and virtually landlocked Arctic, and the South Pole to the Antarctic continent.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7I8Aksi9ys&w=854&h=480]

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