May 21, 2024

A few weeks ago I stumbled onto a web site on which Luis Miguel Goitzolo discusses the long calendar cycles and traditions on the ages of man from around the world – topics covered in a book I cannot find, that doesn’t even seem to exist except as referred to on his site:

The Wheel of Time – A Study in the Doctrine of Cosmic Cycles.

Maybe he never produced the book in English.  Maybe it is out of print.  Maybe it’s full of so much dangerous ancient wisdom that it’s being suppressed.  I don’t know, but I’m going to quote excerpts from his online commentary…

“From the last century onwards, remarkable coincidences have been observed between the Bible and certain texts of the Western tradition, on the one hand, and certain Eastern sacred books, mainly Hindus, on the other. To mention the best known, the Bible speaks of a Universal Flood that takes place at the end of a period of sheer degradation of the human race, and the Puranas and other sacred texts, both from the East and West, talk about periodical, partial devastations of the universe by water. (Actually, memories of one or several “universal floods” remain alive in ancient traditions throughout the world.) But there are many other coincidences, as will be seen below… the book of Genesis (3:23, etc.) describes the “fall” and exile of man from Paradise, a recurring topic in the scriptures and traditions from all around the world that is closely associated to the idea of world ages and cosmic cycles.”  (A good portion of my previous book, End Times and 2019, is devoted to such topics.)

“In his Timaeus, Plato asserts that the seven planets, once the time to balance their respective speeds has elapsed, return to their starting point. This revolution is a “perfect year” and, considering the great significance it has for different traditions, must exert some sort of influence in the total length of a cycle of four ages. In turn Cicero, while recognizing the difficulty of estimating the length of this vast celestial period, rates it as 12,954 common years, although the precise length appears to be 12,960 years (180 x 72), as certain concurring data suggest. And in effect, this latter period, also called “great year” by both Greeks and Persians, is the exact half of the great astronomical cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes (or “Zodiacal Year”), the length of which has been traditionally calculated as 25,920 common years (360 x 72)…”

If we assume this 12,954 or 12,960 year half-cycle to be important, then it becomes very interesting to note that Plato also wrote extensively about the destruction of an ancient civilization called Atlantis that existed beyond the entrance to the Mediterranean (beyond the Pillars of Hercules) which was destroyed in a cataclysm, overwhelmed by a great flood in a single day.  He claimed that the story of Atlantis came through Egyptian priests, who had told his ancestor Solon, in approximately 600 B.C., that Atlantis had been destroyed 9,000 years earlier.  Such approximations lead to the conclusion that Atlantis, if it existed as Plato described, was destroyed around 11,600 years ago.  Curiously enough, there were major changes in the Greenland ice sheet at this time, as core samples indicate – and water temperature in the North Atlantic rose about 15 degrees in just a few years around this time.  Dr. Robert Schoch’s book: Forgotten Civilization makes very good points about this time frame.

It is not far off from “the first time” of civilization which ancient Egyptians spoke of.  Based on the positions of various monuments at Giza, we can tell they were perfectly aligned with the constellations as they were in the Age of Leo, approximately 10,500 B.C.  Some believe that the Great Pyramid at Giza should be viewed as a representation of the world, and that its height in inches (an ancient unit) is intended to lead us to a conclusion – if the unfinished pyramid, never having had a capstone on top, were actually completed, it would be approximately 5780 inches high.  Some suggest this corresponds to the completion of the present world, in approximately the Hebrew calendar year 5780 – around 2019.

Getting back to the writings of Luis Miguel Goitzolo:

On a Common Origin: “The question naturally arises from the above: if it was not purely and simply invented, or was not the result of mere fortunate speculation, where did the compilers of these Scriptures obtain such information, whose origin is lost in the pages of time? That the various cultures were spontaneously and simultaneously born around the world, all sharing a strangely similar lore, is hard to accept; the numerous analogies rather suggest an unknown common origin and, in fact, it would appear to be more logical, or at least more plausible, that there previously existed an older civilization that was the depository of the knowledge based on such information, and that all other cultures received from it such knowledge, which was then modified and, for the most part, distorted by the particular circumstances of time and place.”

Goitzolo concludes that the Hindu traditions of the ages of man are most specific, and that the Yugas (we are in the final, shortest, least spiritually advanced age now, the Kali Yuga) probably last two cycles of precession (of the equinoxes) in total – each precession cycle being approximately 25,800-25,920 years, giving 51,840 years in total for the Yugas, which are broken down proportionally in ratios of 4:3:2:1, such that:

“the length of the Kali-yuga will be one tenth of that total, i.e. 5,184 common years.”  But Goitzolo’s conclusion is hardly universally accepted.


If we start from the alleged Kali Yuga start date of 3102 B.C. which some scholars have deduced from various texts, then the current age of man, the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga, could be in the late 21st century – around 2082. But on the topic of the generally accepted start date for the Kali Yuga in 3102 BC, another web site from which I also got the image above mentioning an end around 2025 AD says: “The vagueness surrounding the origin of this date (3102 BC) makes its validity highly suspect.”  The same site says: “The timeline also indicates that the ascending Kali Yuga, which is the current epoch in which we are living, will end in 2025 CE”

If we start with the beginning of the previous Mayan Long Count that began around 3114 B.C., (and which ended in 2012) – or to the astronomical alignments in the Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza (which John Major Jenkins described as “an alarm clock pointing to the 21st century”) our attention is also drawn to a range of years in our lifetime.  Isaac Newton, who discovered calculus and many laws of physics, also studied Bible prophecy and concluded that the 21st century was the key time frame.  He was in the news several years ago when a chest full of his notes was found at Cambridge and seemed to focus on the years no later than 2060 A.D. We entered the zodiac “Age of Aquarius” in 2010 – the age symbolized by water spilling…

My own interpretations of prophecy conclude that Bible prophecy points to an END in December 2019, and although my timing relies on many very specific astronomical alignments corresponding to prophetic descriptions of the night sky during end times events – I could still be wrong.  My most recent book, Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe, concludes that if Nostradamus is on target, the end of the current world comes right after a 27 year period of intensifying conflict between the Christian West and the Islamic East.  Although we could start in 1991 with the first American invasion of Iraq, and end the war in 2018, and still line up with my analysis of end times Bible prophecy, it seems more likely that WWIII has not begun in earnest yet, and that Nostradamus’ 27 year timeline is more likely to have begun in 2001 – and his ending would be somewhere around 2028-2030.

My point is that although many traditions of myth and religion and history and prophecy point to the 21st century as TEOTWAWKI – an end to our current world – there is by no means complete agreement on the exact timing among various traditions – just a vague “season” or range of years.  Unfortunately the traditions all point to an end in the 21st century… so perhaps we should pay close attention, as cataclysmic events may very well take place in the near future.




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