October 23, 2024

Tribulation Now

I just had a 90 minute conversation with Tribulation Now! host Johnny Baptist on blogtalk radio that ended a few minutes ago (11PM EST, Sunday July 23.)  We didn’t stay on topic for my recent book (Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe) for long – but then again we didn’t stay on any one topic of prophecy for too long.  I had prepared so many notes, and re-read not only my Nostradamus book but also my previous books knowing Johnny’s biblical focus – and my plans went out the window as we just had great conversation on prophecy, faith, and current events.  He does a great job hosting, making it easy to talk for 90 minutes – as I already knew from my last interview with him on Easter Sunday, 2016 – when we discussed my previous two books (Antichrist 2016-2019, and End Times and 2019.)

So shameless plugs all around for Tribulation Now! (I’ll add an audio file of tonight’s show when I get a copy) and the MANY great interviews Johnny does from a Bible-centered but open-minded perspective, and of course for my own books mentioned above.

I was about to say something about how my Nostradamus book may be the most relevant, coming to play in current events now – but really ALL prophecy is coming into play and coming to a head soon.  Economic collapse should be the next major sign – but be prepared with more than just material preps.  Prepare your mind and your spirit for the dark times ahead.  You know what to read, you know you should pray more – get ready!

Nostradamus Islamic Invasion Europe Book Cover Amazon
Nostradamus’ most common theme is the military invasion of Europe by an Islamic alliance of nations in the early 21st century.

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