May 19, 2024

Project Veritas snuck into CNN and recorded its leadership saying they had a “witch hunt” against Trump and that there was nothing, nada, zilch – behind the stories of Russian election interference.


CNN’s leftist (literally: Maoist) commentator Van Jones was recently filmed referring to the alleged links between Trump and the Russians as a big “nothing-burger.”  So CNN is repeatedly caught on tape admitting to falsifying the facts and pursuing their own anti-Trump agenda based on… Nothing – except their extreme liberal bias.  Will they have any credibility or ratings left?  Is it LIBEL?

Bill Whittle comments in the video below that analysts have said for years that media bias gives liberal democrats about 15% higher poll numbers than they would get if the truth were reported fairly.  Which means Trump could have won EVERY state in the 2016 election, if that is accurate.

Bill Whittle Election Map


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