July 27, 2024

“Equity market volatility therefore now appears to be decorrelated from [uncertainty]… combined with high valuations on some equity markets, especially in the US… and extremely low spreads on the bond markets, raises questions as to whether the risks affecting the financial markets are being underestimated, which may lead to a brutal repricing of assets.”

That’s as close to “The whole system is overdue for a huge crash” as you’re ever going to hear from officials in banking, stock market, or government regulator positions…  I have warned for a long time of overpriced investment markets due for a huge crash, followed by very bad social tensions (possibly as bad as race wars and civil wars across the planet) followed by governments redirecting anger and blame onto foreign scapegoats and starting wars that end up as WWIII.


The article continues:

“High valuations and low volatility don’t reflect the level of economic growth nor the geopolitical uncertainty facing the market, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers says in a mid-year report on main risks to global markets. While stock markets have shown resiliency, the French regulator warns of the “systemic threat” fromn a “sharp market correction.”

“…The isolated corrections we have seen, accompanied by temporary spikes in volatility, are understandable if the markets continue to be dominated by expansionist monetary policy conducive to supporting them. However, a return to the norm is well under way in the United States, and if this trend continues could prove destabilizing without a backdrop of fundamental support for valuations.”

quotes above from the article at Zerohedge.com HERE


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