May 19, 2024

In all the prophecy books I have written, whether the emphasis is on the end times, or the antichrist, or Nostradamus, New York always gets nuked.  My research has focused on the evidence pointing to it happening.  The study below tries to model what people do next in response.


Full Original Article from The Atlantic here

“…The Center for Social Complexity was awarded a grant worth more than $450,000 last May to develop a computer model that simulates how as many as 20 million individuals would react in the first 30 days after a nuclear attack in New York City.


The grant, which came from the nuclear-focused Defense Threat Reduction Agency, or DTRA, will fund a three-year project. In the simulation, individual “agents” will make decisions and move about the area based on their needs, their surroundings, and their social networks….”

“We’ll be bringing in graphical information on New York City and surrounding area, and we’ll model a small nuclear weapon—or possibly multiple small nuclear weapons—going off. They’ll be in the neighborhood of 5 to 10 kilotons: That’s half of Nagasaki/Hiroshima, which was in the 20 kiloton range. The Oklahoma City bomber used 5,000 pounds of TNT, so that’s two and a half tons. That destroyed most of the one building where it blew up, but it affected something like 16 city blocks….

Waddell: So we’re talking damage to something like a chunk of Manhattan?

Kennedy: Yes, something like that. The number 10 isn’t driven by any particular intelligence, but to put it into perspective, North Korea has done tests in the neighborhood of two kilotons—or maybe as many as five. So we’re talking a relatively small, though still nuclear, weapon.

Waddell: What are the social responses you’ll look at?

Kennedy: We’re planning to model at the individual level….

Part of our modeling challenge is going to be figuring out if a parent would go through a contaminated area to retrieve a child at a daycare or school, putting themselves at risk in the process, because it’s important to them to physically be there with their children. Or do they realize that they’re isolated, that communications aren’t going to be available in the near term, and they only deal with their local folks who are now their family? That’s the sense we get….”

In my most recent book, Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe, the Islamic Invasion progresses deep into Europe largely because America is unable to intervene.  Some event or events have left the United States crippled, perhaps too many wars to police at once, or civil war, or economic collapse, or the nuclear destruction of New York…  There is prophetic evidence for all of the above.

Nostradamus Islamic Invasion Europe Book Cover Amazon
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