May 17, 2024

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is a rare voice of truth and honesty in Europe when most of the traitorous leadership there not only refuses to acknowledge the threat to Europeans but makes it criminal to even complain about the millions of migrants pouring in from the Middle East and North Africa.

Europe’s situation will soon deteriorate economically; when it does there will be hostility between natives and newcomers who blame each other for their suffering.  Social unrest will lead to hate crimes, which will lead to calls in Muslim countries to protect their people in Europe.  If the United States is too busy to intervene, either due to economic collapse/social unrest in America – or because of involvement in too many ongoing wars (who knows what China, North Korea, Russia, etc will be doing at this point) then Europe could find itself weak and alone and unprepared to fight off a real Islamic invasion, just as Nostradamus predicted for the early 21st century.



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