July 27, 2024


I was reading an article on the first people entering North America across the land bridge from Asia – Beringia – that existed approximately 20,000-12,000 years ago – when the image above caught my attention.  The article I was reading found here describes some theories and evidence on waves of early human migration.  There’s no mention of a crustal displacement – the catastrophic axial POLE SHIFT that periodically devastates the inhabitants of our planet (as I have described in my books and magazine articles on POLE SHIFTS)

Like most commentaries on the “Ice Age,” the different sea level, the land bridge to Asia, the human migration – none of this is explained (in the article on the migration theories) by the one event that clearly leads to it all – the last pole shift, when the North Pole moved from the west of Hudson Bay in Eastern Canada to its current location.

But the image above showing where ice was at the time of the migration, (over the North Pole of that time period) and the ice free sea where our current North Pole is clearly show (assuming the depiction on the map is accurate for the historical climate evidence – and it is) that the northern ice cap was centered on Hudson Bay in Canada.  That’s why North America had an “Ice Age” just like Antarctica has one now, because it’s at the pole.

I believe we are due for another pole shift very soon, and such catastrophes do not make it easy to maintain a civilization intact.

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