May 17, 2024


A few months ago, I thought I was ready to transform my blog from a focus on topics like prophecy and the end times and pole shifts and financial collapse and the threat Islam poses to the West to new topics about consciousness and spirituality and taking control of our own development as I develop my upcoming book, tentatively titled:

Transformational Awakening

But the sad truth is, I’m not ready for that new focus yet on my blog yet.  Despite all my research and writing on the mind and the brain and the soul and spiritual development – it’s still a lot easier to blog about my old topics and current events.  There is a lot more new content on how current events intersect with ancient prophecies – and not so much new content on understanding the mind or the spirit.  I notice most of my blog content doesn’t match a blog title of Transformational Awakening.

So I’m admitting my mistake of trying to shift my focus before I was ready.  Maybe someday it will be time.  But right now, I’m still mostly blogging about the same type of topics I was in previous years: prophecy and the end times and pole shifts and looming financial collapse and the threat Islam poses to the West…

So (whether anyone notices or not) I’m shifting my blog title back to where it belongs…

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