July 27, 2024


It’s probably only significant to me, but I’m happy to see that September finally passed a milestone for my blog – over 10,000 unique viewers in one month (and over 24,000 total views.)  I can see that the most popular articles were about ECONOMIC COLLAPSE – with many interested in the opinions of Jim Rogers, Gerald Celente, Ron Paul, and Jim Willie in particular.  Stories on the ongoing collapse of Deutsche Bank were a favorite too.

I started this blog to write about the fulfillment of end times prophecy (and draw more attention to my prophecy books) – and I did see that Perry Stone’s prophecy articles still draw some readers, along with prophetic commentary by Tom Horn.

I was surprised that some topics, from Pole Shifts to Consciousness to the corruption and criminality of Hillary Clinton – didn’t seem to generate anywhere near the interest I would have expected.

And as I read and research more spiritual topics for my next book tentatively titled “Transformational Awakening” I would really like to write more about very different topics like spirituality, love, forgiveness, philosophy, mind, truth, consciousness…

And I’d also like to know – will you read those entries?  What do my subscribers want to read about most?  Please comment and post about what kind of content you like best.

Thank you!

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