May 14, 2024
from the full original article at PRAVDA: “The last time Ron Holland a noted investment expert, writer and former president of a broker/dealer firm licensed for business in 47 states gave a major stock market crash warning was 17 years ago.  On January 20, 1999 Ron warned “Is the big crash coming” in an article on World Net Daily and his “Get Ready for the Greenspan Crash” and bubble warning then is still online today here.
“With all of the quick fixes in our nation’s economy, Americans may
soon have to pay a heavy price. Holland expects that when the crash,
which he refers to in his latest report as the “Greenspan Crash,”
occurs, the initial market pullback for the Dow will be 25 percent. A
worst-case scenario, according to Holland, could resemble that of what
happened in Japan last year with the Dow possibly dipping as low as
50-60 percent.” – Ron Holland, 1/20/1999

Well I’m Ron Holland and here I am 17 years later and I fear it is time for another crash warning.  While markets are oversold and we could rally for a few days and any near term rallies could be quite dramatic on the upside. Still longer term I question the high valuations of global stock markets and the manipulated explosive strength of the US dollar. The world is in recession, oil will temporarily go lower as will the US dollar and no one knows what will happen in China or with the tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Now in looking back, I was actually not pessimistic enough in my warning back in 1999 as the Dot.Com heavy NASDAQ actually lost 78.4% falling from 5132.52 in March 2000 to 1108.49 in October 2002. But get ready as here we go again but I hope I’m wrong.


But this time around, the global market crash is not even the fault of the corrupt and incompetent Federal Reserve System or the Wall Street scam artists but rather the blame falls squarely on the joint shoulders of the Obama Administration & the GOP foreign policy advisors.  Their failed geopolitical efforts to destroy the (oil and gas based) Russian economy following our overthrow of the legitimate government in the Ukraine is the root cause of both the oil price collapse and the global stock market crash.  There is no question that the wars in Syria and Iraq are a direct result of a failing American foreign policy and attempt to maintain the US petrodollar system while trying to destroy the energy focused Russian economy….”
– See more at:
I commented – Looking at Obama merely as an anti-colonial politician like Dinesh D’Souza suggests, Obama wants big empires like Russia – and America – to lose power and influence, while Third World nations – especially Islamic ones like Iran – gain a bigger slice of the global pie.  Obama’s attempt to crush oil prices not only harms Russia, but ends the chance for American oil independence, crushing all the new higher cost producers in North Dakota and Alberta…But the coming Obama economic collapse also leads to societal collapse.  Watch America collapse into chaos, desperation, and begging for a political savior who will be all too happy to cancel elections and become dictator.
Read – Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & The Islamic Caliphate –

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