May 12, 2024


I was alerted yesterday to a new video, by PEPSI, about the Black Knight satellite.

It has been described the same way before, as a spacecraft in near-Earth orbit, estimated to be 13,000 years old. Would that make it something a previous human civilization like Atlantis put up before they were destroyed in the last POLE SHIFT? Would it be a craft left here to monitor us since someone else destroyed our last global civilization? We could speculate unsuccessfully for decades, as the Air Force has… or we could watch the following video made by PEPSI:


This is a subtle, creative, and brilliant way for PEPSI to get attention – not the usual boring advertising at all. But is it more than that? What if our government wanted to speed up the process of getting us used to the idea that aliens are watching us? If our government wanted to prepare us for ALIENS (which might prepare us to accept a united New World Order) they might just give money to corporations to jazz up the information and get people talking.

If so, why now? Personally, I think a lot of world-shaking changes are coming in the next year. I just finished The Two Witnesses of Revelation: Will Elijah and Moses Return in 2016? in which I explain why I think we may see Elijah and Moses this coming Passover (late April, 2016.) That tied up the few loose ends in my timeline of end times events as described in Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate, which explains why I expect the identity of the Antichrist to be revealed in Jerusalem on June 6, 2016.  And that book just focused on events at the mid-point of the final seven years’ timeline I already explained the evidence for in End Times and 2019.

When my first two books came out, I knew I was still missing something if my timeline didn’t perfectly align with the 1260, 1290, and 1335 day periods in the book of Daniel.  I finally found the missing piece of the puzzle (I already had it before and hadn’t recognized the significance of it) and now I know my timeline already was perfectly aligned with Daniel’s numbers…

So what do all my end times Bible prophecy books have to do with alien disclosure? I can’t give you an exact date when I expect clear and official disclosure as I can for several other events… but I strongly suspect that alien contact will help lead us to submission under a One World Government soon under the Antichrist. And if you aren’t sure about my interpretation of end times Bible prophecy, that’s OK. I would like to be ready when it unfolds, but ready or not you won’t miss it when it starts unfolding (in 2016.)  For right now, at least watch PEPSI’s Black Knight video and ask yourself: is this more than just advertising?

full original article HERE

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