May 8, 2024
No cultural bias there.  What wonderful neighbors and peace partners Israel has to work with.

By Michael W. Chapman

Al-Rahma TV in Egypt broadcast a program this week in which the guest, Islamic History Professor Yusri Ahmad Zidan, concurred with the host’s question, “Is burning the only solution for the Jews?” Zidan added that “coexistence” with Jews is “impossible.”

The program was broadcast on Oct. 27 and the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) captured the footage and translated the dialogue.

During the show, the host, Muhammed Khaled, states, “Dr. Zidan, the history of the Jews has been black since the dawn of time. Nebuchadnezzar burned them, the Crusaders burned them, and even Hitler and Nazism burned them.”

“Is burning the only solution for the Jews?” said the host.

Islamic History Professor Yusri Ahmad Zidan answered, “So it seems, so it seems.”

Khaled then interjected, “No negotiations, coexistence, or anything?”

Zidan replied, “It’s impossible.”

Khaled continued, “History tells us that they were burned time and again, taken into captivity time and again, and sold into slavery.”


How can there ever be peace if this is acceptable “intellectual” commentary on television?  How will the next generation be trained to think?

Thank you chainsoff and Brittius for bringing this one to my attention

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