May 18, 2024
Interesting, video-game-like perspective of a military battle in which Chinese forces defeat… somebody.
Consider this – for decades, China’s one-child policy and the preference for baby boys and gender based infanticide means China has about 50 million “surplus” males – a society-wide imbalance.
In America, a few hundred body bags of soldiers coming home means millions of citizens will be crying for peace, regardless of whether the fate of the world hangs in the balance or not.  American society has no tolerance for lots of dead US soldier coffins.
China could lose a soldier every second, 3600 an hour, 86,400 a day, 2,592,000 a month – and still keep fighting for a long time.
Militarily, is America still superior to China?  Even if China does not yet equal America on the global battlefield, what about in the Asia/Pacific region with shorter supply lines from China?  And what about next year?  When will China pass the US if they didn’t already?
Even if the USA maintains “superiority” and could inflict a 10-1 kill ratio against an enemy, could the US withstand losing even 360 soldiers an hour, or 8,640 a day, or 259,200 soldiers a month?
If WWIII is ever fought conventionally on battlefields, it won’t be pretty.  And it wouldn’t just be China.  Who do Russians view as “the enemy”?  How about the Islamic world?  What are the alternatives to a conventional battlefield: nuclear war?  A New World Order of cooperation?
Aside from the Second Coming, I’m not looking forward to any of the war scenarios that might come first before the end of the world as we know it.

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