May 18, 2024

Ben Stein may be more famous for being Ferris Bueller’s teacher or for hawking eye drops for Clear Eyes than for being a lawyer and speechwriter for several Republican administrations… but his “recent” comments about Obama’s insanely pro-Iranian nuclear program deal have launched many articles with titles like:

Iran Deal So Bad, It Can’t Be an Accident


Ben Stein wrote Monday [August 4] that the deal the Obama administration has reached with Iran is “so bad that it could not be an accident, even for a President as inexperienced and foolish as Mr. Obama or a Secretary of State so filled with anger as Mr. Kerry.”

“There is no meaningful verification,” Stein elaborated, in an opinion piece in The American Spectator. “The sanctions are already basically gone. The President is paying Iran over $100 billion to go forward with making a nuclear bomb and having the rockets to deliver it.

“We have basically been swindled into allowing the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons without any penalty – indeed, with cash and prizes. Iran has sworn to use these weapons to obliterate not only Israel but every Jew on earth.

“Again, this could not have been an accident. It has to have been the working out of some deep unconscious rage at Israel, Jews, and at America by the top players in this administration… many of them Jewish or, like Kerry, partly Jewish. Mr. Obama has – as I have said before – now signed Israel’s death warrant.”


Is Ben Stein right?  Did Obama make a deal that is bad for Israel and America on purpose to support and pay for an Iranian nuclear weapons program?  I think so.  (It should make people wonder – to what end?)  And the American sheeple ignore it and accept it.

While you still can, consider reading:

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

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