May 14, 2024

I recently stumbled onto a series of wonderful articles by Nelson Walters at

Although we disagree on several interpretations he has many insightful comments and obviously puts a great deal of thought into his analysis of Bible prophecy.  Several points got my attention across his many articles, but I will share the significance of one in particular here, as I posted the following comment on his site:

You wrote: “In our last post we examined heaven’s perspective of what will occur at the midpoint of the Tribulation. Satan will attempt to usurp God’s throne in Heaven.”

I never thought of it with precisely those words, but it fits perfectly.

In my opinion, “forensic astronomy” is the key to unlocking Bible prophecy. And by that I mean that we are given signs in heaven, and the prophets give detailed descriptions of the skies during the end times events they saw in their visions. With modern astronomical software we can calculate when various descriptions will really happen in the sky.

For example, in Isaiah 13:10 we are told “the sun will be dark when it rises.” On December 26, 2019 – there will be a total solar eclipse at sunrise, visible from Israel. Along with many other signs pointing to December 21-28, 2019 – such things reveal a prophetic timeline.

As for the mid-point of the final seven years, the crucial day is June 6, 2016. As on earth, so it is in heaven: when the Antichrist enters the Temple, Venus appears to enter the Sun. The Morningstar (Lucifer/Antichrist=Venus) enters the Temple (goes directly behind the Sun/altar of fire in the Temple.) As the Sun also represents Christ, and Venus is on the opposite (anti-) side we have our astronomical Antichrist in the right position. It even happens on the sixth day of the sixth month of a year ending in 6 – a type of 6/6/6 date. It is also exactly one 49 year Jubilee after the Israeli unification of Jerusalem…

But until now I never realized this overlap of Venus and the Sun should also be viewed as Satan’s attempt to usurp God’s throne in Heaven. Thank you for adding another layer of insight for me!

If I may be so bold as to suggest that I may also add additional insight for others, please consider reading my recent books – End Times and 2019 – and – Antichrist 2016-2019

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