May 16, 2024

By now, anyone not living in a cave already knows that the Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, DAESH, the Islamic Caliphate – had captured a downed Jordanian pilot, put him in a cage, doused him with gasoline, and burned him alive, apparently for the horrible crime of fighting against them.

Jordan has responded to this savagery by executing terrorists that the Islamic Caliphate wanted back in negotiations.

In this article, in Britain’s “Daily Mail” Piers Morgan says:

“I don’t ‘need’ to see a man burned alive. Nobody ‘needs’ to see such an abomination.

It’s diabolical enough that it happened at all. Why compound the misery of that man’s life ending by acting as some kind of complicit voyeur?

Then I pressed click anyway.

I watched those murderous bastards light up a trail of petrol into a small cage, I watched as Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasabeh caught fire, and I watched as he screamed in horror and burned to death.

It was just as repulsive and sickening as I feared it would be. Truly the worst thing I have ever had to witness, and as a journalist for 30 years I’ve seen a lot of unpleasant things.

But I’m actually glad I watched it.

Glad I saw in real time, on professionally-crafted movie-quality video, exactly what these monsters are capable of.

Glad I know they have no limits, no humanity, no semblance of any kind of soul.

Glad I saw the undisguised joy in their evil little faces as they perpetrated such a despicable act on a fellow human being.

Glad they repeatedly switched the camera shot from blow-torch to their victim’s face so we can be under no illusion what utter sadists they are.

I’m glad about all this because it allows me to feel such uncontrollable rage that no amount of reasonable argument will ever temper it.

And that’s precisely what we all have to feel now towards ISIS and those who support its hideous activities.

We all have to feel the same kind of unquantifiable, collective horror everyone felt when the full scale of the Nazi concentration camps was revealed….”


And while Mr. Morgan summarizes the important portion of this commentary – I also want to point out that I am glad there is still a land of freedom where Orwellian Thought Police allow someone to watch the terrorist video, even though, as he says, nobody “needs” to see it.  Unfortunately that land of freedom apparently does not include the United States.

Shouldn’t I be able to find this news-dominating footage in a search on Youtube or Google?  In a free country, yes.  After clicking on at least a dozen worthless links to try to see IF I AM FREE TO VIEW IT OR NOT – I must conclude I am not.

Is it because it portrays Islamic Literalists (why call them extremists if they are taking the Qu’ran literally) as savages?  Or it is just because of the gruesome nature of the video?  I can’t know.  Big Brother has decided for me that, as Piers Morgan said, I don’t need to see it.

Such decisions made for me by those who know better, by a government who spies on everyone and has black ops in at least 105 nations already this year – a government which kills at will in Iraq, the world at large, and also domestically in America – let’s just say the lines are blurred on who is evil and unreasonable in forcing their expectations on the rest of us.  Freedom is under assault – and not just in the Middle East.

Right now the restrictions are very small.  Something minor here and there.  Just wait for bad economic times.  Your local police have been militarized for a reason – and it’s not to protect YOU.  Just wait for the last 15 years of new laws to go into effect and be enforced.

It may sound crazy now, when times are still pretty good, to suggest that one year from now we will be experiencing hell on earth – but that’s how I see all this playing out soon.

* Later edit *

OK, I finally found a site with some actual video, which somewhat negates my Big Brother rant (unless they just haven’t taken it down or blocked it yet) LINK to horrifically gruesome burning HERE

I also found a comment on this from President Obama: “Whatever ideology they’re operating off of is bankrupt.”

Is it that unclear – what ideology – I think it might be, I don’t know, ISLAM

Ask yourself why we don’t obliterate ISIS/DAESH/ISIL/the Islamic State/the Islamic Caliphate

Somebody wants them to grow in power

Read – Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

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