May 17, 2024

Deep in the limestone caves of southern France, ancient artists painted animals like bison, rhinoceroses, and mammoths with sophisticated style.  Estimates range from 17,000-32,000 years ago.

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In recent years, new research has suggested that the Lascaux paintings may incorporate prehistoric star charts. Michael Rappenglueck argues that some of the non-figurative dot clusters and dots within some of the figurative images correlate with the constellations like Taurus and the Pleiades.  French researcher Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez has further proposed that the gallery of figurative images in the Great Hall represents an extensive star map and that key points on major figures in the group correspond to stars in the main constellations as they appeared in the Paleolithic.

Even today, the Pleiades are central to Maya mythology about the end of the world and represent the crown their god Kukulkan will wear when he is kinged as Lord of the Earth (which they believed would happen approximately now, in the 21st century.  The Pleiades are also important in the Middle East, where they represent booths or tabernacles, and the parallels to Christ returning to tabernacle with us when He returns to assume kingship as Lord of the Earth are noteworthy.  As I argue in End Times and 2019 – their are cosmic cycles which determine when pole shifts occur on our planet and end civilizations, and I believe evidence suggests we are due for one in December 2019.

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