May 19, 2024

Will Obama cave in after America has clearly voted saying they have had enough of his crappy policies?

Or with nothing else to lose, will Obama do what he wants post-election, no matter how unpopular?

Tens of millions of extra illegal aliens will probably vote Democrat, obviously.

And a promise to legalize everyone here by the end of the year might bring a last-minute rush of illegals over the border right when at least two major viruses are known to be coming across from Latin America.

Full article HERE

David Frum tweeted that he thinks O’s executive order is now sunk under the great red wave. As you’ll see below, Chuck Todd thinks so too. I get that at a gut level. Democrats just got punched 50 times in the face by voters; when you’re in that position, you don’t do something provocative that might earn you another 50.

What do they have to lose at this point, though? Obama has nothing to fear from voters anymore. Even in a worst-case scenario, where he issues the order and there’s a public backlash, Hillary and the rest of the 2016 crop are free to condemn him for it. “I support the president’s noble goal of bringing the undocumented out of the shadows,” she’ll say, in perfect left-speak, “but we need to let the people’s representatives work this out in Congress.” That’s a win/win answer, pandering to the Latino voters she needs in 2016 while distancing herself from O for the benefit of independents. And of course, amnesty fans who are grateful to Obama will end up expressing it by voting for her, notwithstanding her (tepid, phony) opposition to it.

Meanwhile, issuing the order would have some nice political benefits for Obama. It’d be his way of showing his deeply demoralized base that he’s not giving up on progressivism entirely, even if he ends up making a deal or two with the evil GOP. And it’d be a clever way to throw the new Republican Congress off-balance, putting Boehner and McConnell in the agonizing position of deciding whether to pander to their base by fiercely opposing the order or to pander to Latinos they’re wooing for 2016 by going easy on Obama over it. If you’re a White House strategist hoping to jumpstart the GOP civil war that lefty pundits insist is coming, you could do worse than lob an immigration grenade at them right before they take their seats. And of course, there are long-term benefits to Democrats by making amnesty the new status quo, even if the means is legally dubious….

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