May 20, 2024

watch video interview here

Jim Willie always makes great points about imminent economic collapse through the world no longer accepting the US Dollar – despite his perpetual “the sky is falling” diatribes he will be right in the long run, which is coming sooner than many think.

He also explains why sanctions against Russia for “invading” Ukraine will not punish Russia, they will accelerate dollar abandonment…

He explains the (ZIRP) zero interest rate policy and where it will end.

Historically, printing more money out of thin air may have “stimulated” the economy, but the dynamics of money flow are not what they were in the 1970s… the money doesn’t flow to US consumers in a relatively closed American system that leads to higher wages and economic confidence and spending… the money now flows to Asia and Americans have lit to no raises on their incomes.  Heavy reliance on cheap foreign production guarantees eventual systemic failure.

I believe the Bible comments on the coming hyperinflation, and that the coming crisis will SOON work to the Antichrist’s advantage.  If you understand what is happening in the world, read Antichrist 2016-2019


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