October 23, 2024

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Enoch and Elijah – Witnesses to Pole Shifts?

The early theologians Irenaeus and Hippolytus may have been the last heirs to the uncorrupted oral tradition of the Apostles, and both of them said that Enoch and Elijah were the two witnesses we will see in the future preaching and dying on the streets of Jerusalem in the end times.  The Bible tells us that their presence will be a sign that the Second Coming is imminent.  I believe their stories also tell of pole shifts in our past, and lend additional support to the idea that they will be a witness to an upcoming pole shift, when we receive “a new heaven and a new earth.”

The Bible tells us that Enoch lived a total of 365 years.  This lifespan brings two obvious ideas to mind: first, that no one normally lives that long – and second, that the years of Enoch’s life match the number of days in a year.  If this is meant to draw our attention to the sun and the number of days it takes for the earth to orbit the sun, what else might we take from the story of Enoch to apply to the sun?

Enoch’s life is broken down into two portions: at the age of 65 he fathered Methuselah, then continued to live another 300 years before he “walked with God” and was “translated away so that he did not see death.” (Hebrews 11:5)  The word “translated” comes from the Greek “metatithemi” which means “taken to another place.”  Because I have spent many years researching topics like pole shifts, this makes me think the story of Enoch may incorporate a coded message about a pole shift event in the distant past when the sun (symbolized by Enoch in this story) would have been positioned in the sky next to the galactic center (God) when it suddenly shifted its apparent position in the sky and was “taken to another place.”

I also suspect that the way the Bible breaks down Enoch’s life into two unequal portions might be similar to the way the Maya broke their year down based on the dates on which the sun passes directly overhead in the zenith.  Every spring equinox in March, the sun is directly above the equator at noon.  Lands north of the equator and south of the Tropic of Cancer witness the sun directly overhead at noon at some point prior to the first day of summer.  For example, at Chichen Itza, where the Maya built the great Pyramid of Kukulkan, the sun is directly overhead on May 22.  The sun appears to keep moving north until summer, then starts to fall southwards again.  Chichen Itza experiences a second solar zenith on July 19.  At another Mayan city (Izapa – which is farther south, at a different latitude) where this pattern was first recognized, the two zenith dates are 105 days apart, and the Maya there broke the year into 105 and 260 portions based on the spread of the zenith passage dates at Izapa’s latitude.  What latitude, I wondered, would experience zenith passage dates 65 days apart – and could such zenith dates possibly point us to the previous position of Jerusalem, before the last pole shift?

A little research led me to a chart labelled “Zenith passage dates of the Sun for Observers in Different Latitudes” in Anthony Aveni’s Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico.  Just below 20 degrees north there are 65 days between zenith dates.  Could this be the latitude the holy site we now know as Jerusalem used to be located at prior to the last major shift of the earth’s crust relative to its axis of rotation?  Could the location of this ancient holy site possibly even explain why the Maya had a special term for the 65 day period (Aveni calls it the Cociyo) when neither Izapa nor Chichen Itza experience zeniths 65 days apart?

At first glance, this seems to be a dead end and a bad theory, because we know from other data that the previous North Pole was located on the west side of Hudson Bay.  When the North Pole was there, the land that is now called Jerusalem was approximately eleven and a half degrees north latitude, not just under twenty degrees north latitude.   Jerusalem, at its former latitude, had zenith passage dates well over 100 days apart.  However, I soon noticed that the change in latitude – the northward movement Jerusalem experienced as a result of the last pole shift – is approximately 19.8 degrees.  Which means that Enoch’s being taken away in a “translation” and the years of his life may be astronomical references to a pole shift after all.

the image above may approximate the next position of the “new earth” if the North Pole is near Lake Baikal, as Professor Charles Hapgood suggests it might be in his books.

I believe that cosmic events emanating from the galactic center cause recurring, periodic, and predictable pole shifts on earth.  At the same time I believe the sun will appear to be dark (Revelation 6:12 “the sun became black as sackcloth”) for three days, at the point in the year when it appears at the crossing point of the galactic axis and the ecliptic – the apparent path of the sun and planets.  I suspect it is no coincidence that Jesus died on a cross and was dead for three days and that we are told the sun went dark when he died.  Jonah was in darkness in the belly of the whale for three days, and I believe this is a reference to the sun going dark as it passes through the cosmic leviathan of the Milky Way’s central bulge along the galactic axis.

Elijah encountered “a chariot of fire.”   The Book of Enoch mentions “the sun… and the chariot in which it rises.” (Enoch 72:5)  We can safely assume Elijah represents another heavenly body which encountered the sun. “And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven” just after he walked past Bethel (Beth-El = the house of God = the galactic center) and crossed the Jordan River (the Milky Way) and encountered the chariot of fire (the sun.)  So this occurred when the sun (and some other heavenly body – I suggest Jupiter) had just passed the galactic center and the axis of the Milky Way.  2 Kings 2:17 describes the men sent out to look for Elijah after he disappeared – “They searched three days but could not find him.”  Another symbolic reference to the three days of darkness and confusion.

And then one of the even stranger comments in the Bible appears in 2 Kings 2:24 “Two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads” from Bethel who had previously mocked Elijah’s son.  Now I have been to that part of Israel.  I have stood in the Jordan River.  Trees are scarce, and I never saw “woods” or a forest dense enough that bears could emerge and suddenly surprise anyone.  And even if we grant that there had been thick woods and a pair of real bears, can you imagine 42 young men not scattering and running off in different directions?  Surely a bear could kill a lad or two, but forty-two of them?  As C.M. Houck commented in The Celestial Spheres: Keys to the Suppressed wisdom of the Ancients: “How could two bears possibly manage to outrun, catch, and destroy forty-two terrified, hyperactive juvenile delinquents?  They couldn’t.  This is sacred language.”  And what I think he means is that this is another astronomical reference, this time to the two “polar bears” – the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor – the Big Bear and Little Bear near the celestial North Pole.  I suggest that during the last pole shift, it was noticed that these “bears” seemed to suddenly move far faster than usual into the sky, corresponding with the sudden disappearance of 42 visible stars which unexpectedly fell below the opposite horizon.

In my last book, End Times and 2019, I conclude that the Bible, the Maya, and the Egyptians all left clues pointing to the next pole shift coinciding with the end of the Tribulation and Judgment Day in late December, 2019.  I suggest that Jupiter is the astronomical representation of the prophet Elijah, that the Sun represents Jesus, and that the conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun on Judgment Day represents Elijah anointing Jesus Christ as King.  I believe that Enoch and Elijah have been portrayed as witnesses to a previous pole shift, and that their stories give us clues about that last pole shift.  I believe they will be the two end times witnesses of the tribulation, just before the next catastrophic pole shift, which some clues suggest could occur in December 2019.  If you appreciate my application of “forensic astronomy” to Bible prophecy as detailed above, you will probably appreciate my previous book – End Times and 2019 – and my newer book focusing on pole shifts: POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

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