May 16, 2024



These college kids are America’s future, right?!


Isn’t it amazing that universities didn’t have to shut down for cry-ins for traumatized Republican students after the 2012 and 2008 elections?  But in 2016 – Those poor libtards who wanted an extremely corrupt establishment insider with a long list of people who have crossed her dead under mysterious circumstances – the poor babies don’t seem to have gotten their way… So they need puppies and play-doh and coloring books and bubble stuff to cope – with not always getting their way.  And the liberal universities and the leftist propaganda of the MainStream Media (MSM) conditioning them is turning them into the little diaper-wetting babies that they have become.

I’ll regret it as much as anyone if Trump turns out to be a terrible president, but – why have we allowed universities to devolve to the point where allegedly well-educated, intelligent young men and women can’t handle debate or opposing views or their side not winning every time?

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