May 4, 2024


Well, I assume it does.  The Thought Police in America have it blocked from playing on YouTube in the United States.


The video linked above is from Latma TV and has nothing to do with Jeff Dunham’s popular character Achmed the dead terrorist.  But I couldn’t find an image from the video for the featured image for this post either, since Big Brother has blocked almost everything from this source, which is basically a foreign version of Saturday Night Live – except SNL makes fun of Republicans (allowable) and LATMA TV made fun of Islamic terrorism (not allowable and leads to blocking my right to see their comedy.)

I guess the Thought Police wouldn’t like this either (but I obviously did):


Ten Little Terrorists


I can only hope this guy is really done causing damage soon, and doesn’t pull any last minute shenanigans as anticipated in my last book.



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